Hello, Jay ...

I almost stopped the download of your file, but I was into it quite a bit
and decided to wait until it loaded completely.  There's no reason or need
to post an 825K file fore a web image.  Many viewers are on slow, dial-up
connections, and the wait to see a file of so great a size can be quite
long.  Had I tried to download this during a time when Internet traffic was
heavier, I would have stopped the download.

When I first saw the bird's eyes I was thinking that this was going to be
something special, and really worth the wait.  But, alas, it turns out that
DOF is too shallow, and apart from the eyes and an area around the top of
the beak, much of the bird is not in sharp focus.  The tip of the beak is
not sharp, nor is the neck and feathers, both areas which seem important
(at least to me) in a shot such as this.

I really like your subtle sig in the lower right corner.

Jay, for the most part I really like your work, but you continually post
very large-sized images that sometimes make it too time consuming for me -
and I know others - to enjoy viewing.


> [Original Message]
> From: Jay Taylor 

> Here's a shot taken a couple months back with the *istDS with the  
> FA*300 f4.5 stacked with the F1.7X Adapter. This combo gives me a  
> 510mm focal length and is not too shabby provided there is some  
> decent light. I tried some Noise Ninja reduction in the BibbleLite  
> Raw processing, but didn't like the way detail was lost on the bird  
> even though the background was quite a bit better without the noise.  
> I suppose if I took the time, I could combine two images (one with  
> noise removed in background), but I'm hard pressed to even get this  
> much posted lately.
> Comments & critique are always helpful from you folks.
> Thanks,
> JayT
> http://i.pbase.com/o4/87/63987/1/63091875.IxUtTQK6.GBHPortrait.jpg
> -- 
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