I see the issue with cell phones is that many people let the phones rule 
them. If it rings it must be answered.
Its a tool & as such the user should be in control & not vice versa.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: RE: OT Is returning a phone message really that complicated

>> As I've said, if it wasn't for these work situations I wouldn't have
>> one at all.
> I use one for work, but I don't like the constant availability it
> seems to imply. However, I would still keep one even if not for work
> because they are very useful in other ways. For example, London
> transport is chaotic so you can often be hours late for a meeting -
> it's very useful to be able to phone ahead (or be phoned) in that
> situation.
> Yesterday I had a good example of why they can be so useful. I was in
> the West End buying more crap when the phone rang. It was my cleaner.
> I could barely hear her speak because she'd accidentally set off the
> burglar alarm, and didn't know the code to turn it off. Very handy to
> have a mobile phone in a situation like that.
> Bob
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