> When Pentax said they were swtiching to SD cards,  I did my own
> investigating on them and learned about the lock that will prevent the
> user erasing anything important.  I heard that CF cards were headed in
> that direction, but never have seen a CF card with a lock on it to prevent
> erasure.  I have lots of CF cards for my *ist D and Optio 230 Pentax.  Too
> bad Pentax didn't allow a dual use system like,  I believe,  Canon  did
> with one of there EOS dslrs.

This is just an educated guess, but I think a major reason most cameras now 
use SD cards (other than the smaller size compared to CF) is the number of 
warranty repairs they had to do on those little pins in the CF slot.  At the 
camera shop I worked at, we got dozens of people coming in with bent pins 
because they put the card in the wrong way.  We always made a point of 
showing people how to do it when they first bought a camera, but it still 
happened.  Most people with this problem bought their cameras on the 
internet, though.

Many digital neophytes have problems remembering how to insert CF cards, 
even when the card has a little arrow on it, or the camera has a diagram 
showing the proper orientation.  Older folks with poor vision have the worst 
time with it, I found (no offense to older folks here, I'm just reporting an 

Bent pins are a nightmare, because you have to support the customer for 
something they did from not following the instructions.  It's not a 
manufacturing defect, but the customer will usually piss and moan like it 

I think that was a big motivating factor for the switch to SD.



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