Only a Lisp bigot would call it an elegant language. 

Gonz wrote:
> On 1/26/07, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Robert, there is a program called Wega. It is a viewer actually.
> Sounds interesting, I'll check into it.
>> As for statistics and the other stuff you suggested - it does more or
>> less just that.
> The statistics part I suggested was more or less a benefit of
> collecting the data, the real functionality was basically what others
> had suggested, I.e. finding, sorting, viewing the images.  Statistics
> would be interesting, but by itself might be very limited in utility.
>> I accept your opinion about software engineering here. My proposal about
>> Java was directed more or less towards the same goal.
> Oh dont get me wrong.  I think Java is a great prototyping language
> for the kind of project he is attempting.  It has lots of stuff built
> in (like garbage collecting), and there are lots of useful libraries
> and utilities out there for him to tap into.  Myself, I'm a Lisp
> bigot, it was the second language I learned after BASIC, and I had to
> unlearn all the ugly things about BASIC that made it hard to use an
> elegant language like Lisp.
>> Boris
>> Gonz wrote:
>>> You didnt specify what level of effort you are talking about.  3 man
>>> months, 6 man months, a man year?  Also the expectations.  Is this a
>>> single course project, Bachelor's thesis, Masters?
>>> With all due respect to others who have gotten into a discussion of the
>>> merits of portability, language features, etc. I would not even worry
>>> right now about these aspects. Assuming a Bachelor's thesis, 3 man month
>>> level of effort, I would just go with the language that gets you from A
>>> to Z the quickest.  If you are thinking commercialization later on,
>>> re-write it in the appropriate language (probably C++).  If you are
>>> thinking that it would be useful to you and to others, then the quickie
>>> language is still the best.
>>> As to suggestions, the EXIF database sounds like a very decent
>>> suggestion.  I.e. show me thumbs of all the pics I have taken with my
>>> FA85 1.4.  That would be cool.  Or gather statistics.  What is the
>>> distribution of pics I took at each ISO (this was a recent discussion on
>>> this mail list).
>> --
>> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List


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