oops I mean their lables of course


On 5/3/07, Alastair Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Peter
> I would agree with much of what David M says.  Be warned we are in
> mid-autumn here and it will be cool/mild at best cold at worst, so
> bring warm clothes.  I wouldn't necessarily avoid Rotorua - yes a
> tourist trap in some ways but some spectacular geothermal features,
> and it's all laid out on a plate.  I would certainly want to temper it
> with some more out of the way experience - like a farm stay on a high
> country station in the South Island.  Queensland is also extremely
> touristy but it will be quiet at the end of May - cold but not cold
> enough for skiing yet.
> Not sure I would recommend getting lenses here - very limited choice
> at Photo & Video (http://www.photo.co.nz/newprods/newpent_lens.htm)
> which as David says is the best bet for Christchurch and is probably
> typical of the best camera shops here.  A $NZ is worth about 0.55 Euro
> so you can do the math for the prices at P & V.  No problem getting
> slide film here but maybe not all that cheap.
> I would also endorse Budget - prices are quite reasonable.  Definitely
> don't need an SUV - and we don't need to encourage anymore on the road
> either - much better off in a car.  Chances of seeing a kiwi in the
> wild - well you might have better chance with the old state lottery -
> used to be called Golden Kiwi!  You will have to visit a kiwihouse and
> be content with seeing a captive bird I am afraid.  Good wine and
> wineries in several parts of the country - Central Otago, North
> Canterbury, Marlborough, Martinborough, Hawkes Bay are the best bets.
> You can buy from direct from the winery in all these places (of course
> you just get there lables but they will give you a tasting first).
> Can give you some names of good places to visit if you would like.
> Happy to meet up if it suits your itinerary - Palmerston North is not
> exactly on the tourist trail however.
> Alastair
> On 5/2/07, Peter Lacus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm flying to New Zealand (together with another list member) on 14th of
> > May so it's about time to ask some questions I guess ;-) (since I
> > haven't found too many conversations about subj. in the list archives):
> >
> > 1. where to go? I'm sure there are so many places worth visiting and
> > we've got just 8 days for the Southern Island and 5 days for the
> > Northern Island. I'd certainly like to experience Rotorua and compare NZ
> > fjords with their cousins in Norway. If you know about some hidden gems
> > please share your knowledge. Exact GPS coordinates of great photographic
> > vistas are especially welcome! (just kidding, I don't have a GPS ;-)).
> >
> > 2. where not to go? Are there some obvious tourist traps which are
> > better to be avoided?
> >
> > 3. availability/prices of Pentax lenses and slide film. If the prices
> > were substantially closer to the US than to the UK, I'd probably buy
> > 21Ltd. and perhaps 40Ltd. at the start of our trip (which happens in
> > Christchurch). WRT slide film, Kodak EliteChrome or Fuji Sensia is
> > enough for me (but of course AGFA RSX-II 50 would be preferable) - is it
> > readily available or it's better to take some from home?
> >
> > 4. I'd welcome some tips which car rental company offers most bang for
> > the buck - e.g. not the most expensive nor the cheapest one, but with
> > solid fleet and services. On our US trip we've used Alamo services and
> > we were very satisfied. Also is compact/intermediate car (1.6-2.0l
> > engine) enough or it would be a better idea to rent a SUV?
> >
> > 5. And of course the most important question - how about small PDML
> > meeting under the Southen Cross? It's always nice to meet fellow
> > Pentaxians anywhere in the world, isn't it?
> >
> > Of course any other suggestions/comments are welcome - if you know for
> > example where to buy the best (yet affordable) wine or where to see kiwi
> > in the wild - _everything_ is welcome.
> >
> > If you don't have experience from New Zealand but have some from Hong
> > Kong, just substitute NZ in the questions above with HK (except of Q4 -
> > we are probably not going to rent a car in HK - it's just stopover on
> > the way back home, which means 2 days & 2 nights).
> >
> > Thank you for any replies!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > --
> > PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List
> > PDML@pdml.net
> > http://pdml.net/mailman/listinfo/pdml_pdml.net
> >

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