On May 8, 2007, at 9:26 PM, Feroze wrote:

> I think it was a guy called Harry Anslinger, the Commissioner of  
> the US
> Federal Bureau of Narcotics in the 1930's. He did it to increase  
> funding
> for his newly formed FBN. Apprently he also worked with the cotton
> industry to get hemp banned because its cheaper than cotton and lasts
> longer, and with the drug industry to marijuana banned as its way
> cheaper than pain killers and safer for people suffer from cancer  
> and AIDS
> He is at least responsible for making "Reefer Madness" and the 1937
> Marijuana Tax Act....

Yeah.  I'm not sure if it was him or some later idiot who got the USA  
to ban diacetyl morphine, a most effective pain reliever.  Of course  
we call it heroin in the USA, and it's illegal everywhere, but as I  
understand it is available by prescription in the UK and other  
civilized countries.

If someone is dying and in great pain, who gives a rat's ass if what  
you give them might be addictive?


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