In a message dated 5/9/2007 3:57:16 A.M. Pacific  Daylight Time, 
Back to Kelby's Elements book.   Some reviews indicates that it is too light. 
Are there other better  alternatives, that are not too detailed trigging my 
PS phobia? A search at  amazon gives too many results. I'm not able to sort 
out what to buy from  there. I can't buy them all ;-)

Tim Typo
Mostly  Harmless


Photoshop CS (or  CS2) One on One by Deke McCelland I have found an excellent 
book. It takes  things in easy stages with a lesson format. Each chapter has 
about 2-4  exercises. It also comes with a disk that has little videos, about 
five minutes  each, that give the first stage of each lesson. The disk also 
has the sample  files/pictures necessary for doing each exercise.

I find books with a  lesson format are good for learning programs I am 
unfamiliar with. If you read  the reviews, I guess some people find it too 
down. I think it is just  about right. 

I am half way through CS One on One and so far have only  encountered one 
lesson that I couldn't quite duplicate what he did. It's about  as close as you 
can get to taking a class. Some people are better at  experiential learning, I 
know I am.

Marnie aka Doe  :-)

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