----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brendan MacRae"
Subject: Good reflections needed, help please!

> Does anyone do product shots on dark (black)
> reflective material that produces good, even
> reflections?
> I'm currently stumped working on a shoot for a local
> company. I have to shoot some video components on
> black (easy enough) but I'd like some good natural
> reflection from the surface they rest on.
> I've already tried tempered glass over black cloth
> (velour) but the reflections double up and look
> god-awful. There's a PS trick for reflections but it's
> simply too much work for anything but straight on
> views. All of my shots are oblique angles.
> This guy had a really good idea:
> http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/08/on-assignment-shoot-your-shiny-new.html
> But, there's no way I'm going to find a piece of
> granite as big as I need it (30" x 48" roughly) and it
> would be way too expensive in any event.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks ahead of time.

I'd try using a mirror and a polarizing filter.
Position a black piece of velvet in such a way that the camera catches a 
reflection of it in the mirror, and use the polarizing filter to remove the 
reflection from the top surface of the glass.

William Robb 

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