Charles, which camera did you use? Was it "normal" ? :-)

Charles Robinson wrote:
On Nov 6, 2008, at 12:55, Jos from Holland wrote:
I was not allowed to take any more pictures, because "that was not a normal camera".

In other words: "That looks like a camera which could conceivably take a photograph actually worth printing/sharing/selling"

Now I wonder how to make my camera more "normal"?

Get a point-and-shoot piece of junk... and then have crappy photos.

Or which camera is suited for such a job and still look normal??

You just need to hide better.  :-)

So, they didn't make you delete anything? When I got nabbed at a Bruce Springsteen concert back in 1984, they actually made me unload the film from the camera and give it to them.

Of course, the other 5 rolls stuffed in pockets and socks, etc stayed with me.


Charles Robinson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minneapolis, MN

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