Well, I have NO experience with eneloops - may try, someday, and may even post the results here just to see what develops.

Each and every battery would behave in some particular way when presented to some particular camera, in some specific temperature, after X days of being charged by Z brand charger at Y volts versus A miliampers... and the camera will try to judge the remaining capacity looking for a certain treshold voltage. And the voltage variations here should be small - and measured in actual use, so this voltage is not the one measured with ordinary meters. This measurement is made in presence of a demand.

How soon this specific camera will say that particular battery set is depleted? It will depend on a whole set of circunstances, but I'm positive there will be cases such as yours, William. Because that particular set feels better charged to the camera, as under its present demand the voltmeter stays in the green zone. I'm willing to bet some cents a different set of higher-rated batteries may endure a little longer if you use the flash more, or keep shooting at a faster rate, or the temp gets a little higher. Let's not forget the batteries in question may be good for other cameras even after being pronounced dead by one.

Each and every eletronic gadget has its own signature, about using energy. Some use much energy to power up, than very little to remain in operation. Those different uses will drain different batteries in (guessed right) different degrees. Static tests made with constant-demand dummy loads will never get the same results, even if they're made by unbiased people. So both lab curves AND real world results by observing people with the same gear are important tools to find out which batt will work better.

If the amount of energy in those things would be equal to the amount of energy used discussing their use... :-)


William Robb escreveu:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Walters"
Subject: Re: *ist DS storage question

I'm with you, Charles.

I've tried numerous brands and the Eneloops have proven to be far
superior to any of them in practice.

If others have had different experience, fine.  Use what works best for

Having said that, I'm impressed with the non-rechargeable Energisers
that came with the K200.

I used a few different brands/ capacities of NiMH bateries with my istD before going to non rechargable lithiums. I actually didn't see much of a correlation between MaH capacity and number of pictures taken. The best performance I got was with some 1700 or so MaH batteries, which performed far better than the 2400 (IIRC) MaH batteries that I had.

William Robb

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