That's interesting about the white instead of grey reference. I just
assumed that it could be either grey or white like the other brands'.
But it does seemed to have worked fine.

Yeah, I wasn't happy entirely with the noise. Most of those were shot
at ISO3200. Especially the tighter shots where I was using the
135/3.5. Kept the aperture at 5.6 for a little DOF, gave me a shutter
of 1/100th which turns out was just ever so slightly underexposed. If
I had exposed better the noise wouldn't have been so bad. Also the way
that iPhoto handles the cropping is not conducive to reducing noise.

As far as noise reduction software is concerned, I've tried most of
them and have never been happy at all with the results.

But then I am the guy who likes to shoot faster film because I think
grain is a nice feature. :)

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Bruce Walker <> wrote:
> Yeah, I've used the Custom WB and it is pretty easy to use. BTW, the manual
> informs you to use a plain white surface, like a sheet of paper, rather than
> grey.  Seems not to matter though, judging by your results.
> Great shots!  I really like that leading one up the aisle toward the
> presenter.
> I see a lot of noise in a few of them. You may want to invest in a noise
> reduction app.  ACR's noise reduction is pretty good for most cases, but for
> really challenging cases (eg underexposed ISO 1600 or 3200 from the K100D) I
> use the Imagenomic app/plugin.  The key I find is to apply progressively
> more NR to Darks and Shadows, and to be really conservative in the amount
> applied.  Over-applied, It's too easy to make people's skin look like
> plastic.
> -bmw
> --
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