In principle that is one of the fastest ways to tell the camera where to focus. But there are many practical problems

eckinator wrote:
Canon tried at one point with sensor watching where you look - I think
if that could be refined and matched up with correspondingly many
focus points it might be viable but I doubt anyone will pay the
premium beyond the rudimentary version that they had - which
incidentally worked so well i never caught onto why they dropped it

2010/2/17 Jos from Holland <>:
Sorry Larry, but no autofocus system will be able to guess by itself which
part of the scene you want in focus.
One day you want the singer in focus, next day you want the mike in focus.
Future sytems, but not in the near future, will do this by reading your
Till than its better to use manual focus.
Greetz Jos

Larry Colen wrote:
I was photographing at a friend's blues jam last night, using it as a
chance to practice band photography. I decided to try using autofocus, and
the handy af point selection.

Looking at the photos, almost every one focuses on the microphone instead
of the musician. How about an autofocus mode where the camera looks for
something to focus on a little bit behind the default?  This would be handy
for both musicians and birds in trees.

At the beginning of the evening, I tried a few using the strobist
suggestion of putting my flash on a monopod, and that seems very promising,
except for the detail that I end up short one hand, until I come up with a
harness to hold the monopod or something.

Larry Colen sent from i4est

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