On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 08:00:06AM -0600, William Robb scripsit:
> I find these dismissive comments to be a little less than smart as well.
> I've been very good to Pentax over the years regarding supporting their 
> lens manufacture, being told to go away and stop bitching because I would 
> like a camera that is as good as what the competition had on the market 5 
> years ago is unreasonable.

You've got quantified testing to back that up?

I'd be quite surprised at 14 MP APS-C in 2005.  (There might have been;
I wasn't much paying attention.)  (And yeah, autofocus; Pentax doesn't
believe in the utility of autofocus.  Much more a cultural problem than
a technical one, I think.  So the current cultural change might have
interesting results.)

Being frustrated, well; Pentax don't have the tech base to be a good
consumer electronics manufacturer.  Recent public comments (for "in the
last 12 months or so" values of recent) could be taken as acknowledging
that.  It then comes down to how they partner, and with who; pretty much
everybody who really knows how to do this stuff is either competition,
second tier (however hard they're working on climbing), or mostly doing
black project work for the USG.

Though I'd be deeply amused at autofocus technology from Questar's high
altitude observation division showing up in Pentax cameras.

-- Graydon

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