I live in an area that was last hit by a serious quake in 1812 -- a series of three over the course of four months, estimated to be around 8.0 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Madrid_Seismic_Zone). They've been saying we're overdue for about 50 years now ... not the most comforting thought, considering the area is not anywhere near as prepared -- building or infrastructure-wise -- as Christchurch appears to be.

I've felt a couple of tremors in the past -- around the size of your aftershocks listed below. They're startling, but don't leave you with the sense of dread/terror that a 7+ quake will. I certainly don't look forward to the day when the "big one" finally happens. And, sadly enough, I'm in no way prepared for it.

Hope things settle down for you folks, soon. I'm sure the psychological aftershocks will go on for a while after the geological ones finally fade. Just hang in there.



On 9/6/2010 5:45 PM, David Mann wrote:
The central city is still mostly cordoned off as a few buildings have sustained 
extra damage due to aftershocks.  Because of this I haven't been in there yet.  
I found this link through Facebook and it has a lot of photos that I haven't 
seen before in the media.


I had a fairly disturbed night, we had a few of the biggest aftershocks we've 
had so far.

11:24pm 5.2
11:40pm 5.4
12:21am 4.7
3:24am 5.4

Lots more in the 3 to 4 range, it's only the larger ones that wake me up but 
the smaller ones are enough to keep me awake.  I know I'll be safe but it's 
surprising how much frustration and anxiety it causes when you don't know how 
much sleep you'll get.  I think it's exacerbated by the general lack of sleep, 
it's a bit of a vicious circle.  I'd be struggling to cope if I was living 
alone so I really feel sorry for those who are.  Janet was actually away in the 
North Island last week at a conference, she arrived home on Friday night so I'm 
lucky she was around (yes she was glad to be home, she would have been pretty 
worried otherwise).

The news footage I saw last night makes me realise how lucky we are to live on 
this side of the city where we didn't get much liquefaction.  Lots of houses 
are being condemned due to huge cracks appearing right through them.  Some are 
almost brand new but they had no chance when the ground opened up underneath 
and ruined the foundations.

My work PC is now set up in my office at home but I'm not terribly motivated 
due to the fatigue.

I'm keeping up to date with the news so as soon as the cordon comes off the area where 
my office building is, I'll go in.  I need to collect a few things so I'll probably 
only have room for one camera&  lens (K10D and 24mm I think).  I'd take our P&S 
as it's smaller but Janet has that with her for work.

Sorry for the long-winded post :)


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