I find the left's enthusiasm for wikileaks to be rather simplistic.

Privacy is necessary in personal life, in business dealings, and -- yes -- in 
government as well. Government officials have to be able to correspond in 
confidence at times. Strategies to defend against terrorism have to remain 
confidential. And don't forget that wikileaks released the names of Afthan 
citizens who had tried to help defeat the Taliban, putting them in grave 
danger. Even Assange's cohorts said that action was despicable.

Earlier, someone said it's only the U.S. that has a problem with wikileaks . 
That's not at all true. Almost all European nations have spoken out against the 
groups actions. There are government officials both in the U.S. and other 
countries who have and will violate the people's trust. But when exposing the 
few puts the many at risk, it's a bad deal. 

If wikileaks has accomplished anything good, it would be that it has led the 
government to tighten security. The U.S. serviceman who provided much of the 
classified information that was released will spend most of his life in jail. 
That will undoubtedly prove to be a deterrent to others. And access to 
classified information will undoubtedly be more restricted than it has been. 


On Mar 18, 2011, at 9:09 PM, John Francis wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 05:39:02PM -0600, steve harley wrote:
>> On 2011-03-18 06:00 , Steven Desjardins wrote:
>>> To be honest, I'm not sure it hurt us all that much.  It's always
>>> embarrassing when what you actually think of someone slips out, but a
>>> little information can explain so much.
>> for better or worse, i'm also a US citizen, and i think wikileaks
>> will improve us a bit
> While I am generally pro-Wikileaks, I wouldn't want that to be
> taken as implying general support for Julian Assange, who would
> appear to be a particularly unpleasant kind of weasel.
> -- 
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