2011/3/19 P. J. Alling <webstertwenty...@gmail.com>:
> I deal with lawyers every day, so it's not as if I'd believe the one of them
> at this point.  Manning's lawyer not a neutral observer, he's an advocate,
> and there's no penalty if he lies, unless he's actually in court. There's
> even less penalty if the Government lies. as well. However  I find the story
> of torture to be unbelievable for a number of reasons not the least of which
> is that there's no percentage in it   There''s no new information the
> military can squeeze out of him, and if he ever actually goes to trial, any
> actual torture will come out.

that is why "prevention of injury watch" is so smart - the argument is
they had to do it to keep him from committing suicide. they did it for
his own good. asking someone if he is ok every five minutes around the
clock has enormous impact on mental stability in the long run.
combined with the monotony it breaksup your life into a repetitive 5
minute cycle. you lose track of time in a matter of days and temporal
disorientation is known to accelerate all sorts of other ill effects.

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