I shot a wedding in Yosemite National Park yesterday and my K-5 performed admirably. There were two problems I noticed that got on my nerves and may have ruined some pictures.

1. The shot-to-preview time (how long it takes a photo to appear on the screen after it is taken) is painfully long. Granted, these photos are much larger than what I was used to with my K10D (which was pretty quick with the previews), but I really wish Pentax could find some way to speed things up for us chimpers. It is partly because of this delay that my second complaint came about.

2. When shooting indoors with my 540FGZ attached, I had to keep a very close eye on flash exposure in the preview images and constantly dial back the flash output by at least one stop and up to two stops to prevent massive highlight blowout. This bit me in the ass during the cake cutting because I had to be fast, I had to be in close proximity to the table & couple, the flash had somehow reset itself to normal output and I couldn't wait for the camera to show me if I was getting the proper exposure.

Now, maybe this can be chalked up to Pentax's flash system being not-that-great, or maybe it's just my relative inexperience and lack of foresight, but I wish I had just bumped the ISO way up and shot without flash.

Live and learn, I guess. At least I can say with some certainty that those were the only bad shots I took, and I know the bride & groom (who are friends) probably won't care that much. It was the second marriage for both of them and the whole thing was pretty casual.



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