On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Stan Halpin
<s...@stans-photography.info> wrote:

>> How you omit the kit lens from the initial release, I'll never understand.
> Two possibilities occur to me. One is that the kit lens is so good that 
> minimal correction is needed. Second is that Pentax and/or Adobe may be 
> assuming that purchasers of a body with kit lens are not necessarily the 
> consumers who will immediately rush out and buy sophisticated post-processing 
> and cataloging tools.

I'm more inclined to go with a "not giving enough of a damn about
Pentax to think it through" explanation.

Your first hypothesis is unlikely; they provide profiles for better
lenses than the kit lens.

The second hypothesis may be true, but it gets the conditional
probabilities backwards. Even if people with the kit lens are less
likely to buy Lightroom, I'm sure there are more Lightroom owners who
use the kit lens than, say, the DA*55 or 15/4.

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