On 11-05-17 4:40 AM, Larry Colen wrote:
This afternoon I saw some foxglove in my yard, something I'd never seen before. 
 Then I was killing some time with my camera this evening and got some flash 
photos of some flowers on Pacific avenue.  I kind of like what you can do with 
a flash when taking pictures of flowers in the rain.


Larry Colen l...@red4est.com sent from i4est

A fine macro of the foxglove bloom.

The other two are lit much too harshly for my taste.

Is it raining over *all* of NA then? I thought it was just us. Rain and overcast may make for good photography but it's ruining my subjects. I wanted to shoot our big Kanzan cherry but the rain is causing the blooms to droop unattractively and they are all about to fall off. Rats.


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