I'm a Moleskine junkie myself--having the daily planner, various themed journals, and the Cahier series in all sizes and colors--, and your idea, Godfrey, sounds lovely. I've actually been thinking about doing something with their Japanese album notebook--and various others.

Moleskine is now doing *custom notebooks*. Maybe they could create one to spec for your needs, Godfrey.

Also, digital notebooks are now available, and I just downloaded a Moleskine app for my iPhone 4.

Cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob W" <p...@web-options.com>
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <pdml@pdml.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:22 PM
Subject: RE: PESO 2011 - 110 - GDG

Overall, I think the concept is a smashing success. I got so many
complimentary comments, both on the photos and on the presentation, I
think I gained three hat sizes. Temporarily, of course. ;-)

Now that I see how well it worked with the viewers, I'll figure out a
better way to make these little books ... as a prototype of the idea,
it was successful, but tipping in small prints is tedious and the
standard binding of the Moleskine note pad limits how many prints can
be included in a set too much. I'd like to do more of these with about
20 to 30 images, but there has to be a way to produce them in small
numbers and to a higher quality standard that is more efficient.

That's a very good idea - I like it a lot. You can get bigger Moleskines
that do that, if you mean the memo pockets:


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