Wow! Really sorry that happened, Bob. The letter is excellent, and hopefully it will change behavior. I'm definitely interested in knowing the outcome. Looking forward to seeing the picture. Big cheers, Christine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob W" <>
To: "'Pentax-Discuss Mail List'" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:17 PM
Subject: FW: Amateur photographer assaulted in Greenwich Market

I had a bit of a to-do earlier today. It really made my blood boil, so I've
sent the letter below to the manager of the market, cc:ed to the local paper
and the British Journal of Photography.

I won't be pushed around (literally!) by people, especially self-righteous

I'll let you know the outcome, if there is one. And I'll post the offending
photograph later.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Earlier today (10 July 2011) one of your stallholders, who identified
himself as a photographer, assaulted me while I was taking photographs
in Greenwich Market.

The incident began when he took hold of my arm and demanded to know if
I had asked permission of the person whose photograph I'd just taken. I
told him that I don't need permission to take photographs in public
places. He then claimed that he could arrest me, so I invited him to do
so. He took my arm again, pulling vigorously to try and move me along.
I told him to take his hands of me, and that continuing to detain me
was itself assault. Despite this, he held on to me until I freed
myself. After an exchange of words we parted company and I went about
my lawful activity.

This is not the first time that a stallholder has tried to stop me
taking pictures, although it is the first time that one of them has
laid hands on me.

Please would you make clear to all of your stallholders that
photography in public places is a legal activity. For the avoidance of
doubt, here is the link to a page about it on the Metropolitan Police

Please also ask your stallholders to acquaint themselves with the law
as it applies to so-called citizen's arrest. In short, any attempt to
stop someone going about their lawful activities is itself illegal and
may be assault. If this happens to me again in Greenwich Market I will
press charges.

This is not just a matter of law, it is also a matter of commercial
good sense for the stallholders. The incident today caused a scene.
Greenwich Market is a significant attractor of tourists and income to
the borough, to Greenwich Market and to the traders. Tourists and
locals alike enjoy taking photographs. If your stallholders take it
upon themselves to try and stop people taking photographs, then both
tourists & locals will stop coming, and we will all be worse off for

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