On Oct 28, 2012, at 5:15 PM, steve harley wrote:

> on 2012-10-28 17:40 Larry Colen wrote
>> A soft focus filter gives more of a guassian distribution to a point signal 
>> rather than a linear one?
> the mechanical AA could be moving the sensor in a circle of one pixel 
> diameter (or something similar) at a rate of one revolution per shutter speed
> an integer multiple of revolutions per shutter speed might have some advantage

What is the name of the pattern described by spirograph?  Or by a pendulum that 
is both swinging and rotating?

A pattern like that, at the maximum speed the sensor can handle for however 
long the sensor is open (or slightly longer) would probably work. That pattern 
would likely approximate the gaussian distribution.  At lower shutter speeds it 
would more completely approximate an even blur, or an even gaussian blur.  The 
question being, could it be moved that accurately, that quickly?

Whether the idea works or not, I'd wager it's patentable.

Larry Colen l...@red4est.com sent from i4est

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