On 27/11/2012 12:08 PM, Tom C wrote:
I'm not usually so resistant to change.

I don't have Windows 8, but since I've first seen it, and on
subsequent peeks, the visually disorienting home screen makes me want
to lose my lunch. As my wife would say, "It looks like Walt Disney
threw up". The colors and differently sized large tiles create a
visually uninviting environment. I'm not sure how customizable that is.

From what I've read in reviews there's a general consensus that
Microsoft sacrificed uniformity, intuitiveness, and familiarity in order
to create something different. That includes splitting up features
that were once found under a common area and moving them to
different work areas. Supposedly the task bar no longer works the same way
either. Many other things too, from what I've been reading.

In general the reviews have said 'Prepare to relearn Windows'.

If true, I say BS on that. There's no way I'm going to waste minutes and hours
of time trying to relearn how to use an OS.

While Vista was familiar I've grown to dislike it intensely over 5
years and I'm not ready to plunk down at least several thousand
dollars for a new machine I will hate.

Do others here have any small Windows 8 experience they can share?

Is it as bad as it looks?

Given the choice would you remain on Windows 7?

I was in the market for a new laptop, but now it'll likely be a
problem finding what I want with Windows 7.  Hence my
thoughts on a Mac.

However in that arena, I'm a little chagrined that they apparently no
longer offer a 17" display.

Tom C.

Win7 seems to follow the Windows tradition of every other OS being OK. I liked XP, hated Vista and am very happy with 7.


William Robb

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