On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 05:32:35PM +0200, Jens wrote:
> Hello list

That's like asking "what brand of car would you buy?".  
Every brand has different models that do different things well.
Also some brands have strengths in some areas that are more 
useful to some people than others.

> When I wanted somthing better than my first slr - the Yashica TL Electro-X, I 
> went to a shop the buy an Olympus OM-1. But the guy in the shop convinced my 
> to buy a Pentax MX (which I did), since I remembered, that I had earlier used 
> a Pentax lens for my Yashica. The results from this lens (a 35mm for 
> Spotmatic) came out so nice, that the guy in the shop really had no 
> difficulties in convincing me to buy the MX (still got one).
> This happened in 1981. I have been using Pentax cameras ever since.

About six years ago I went into San Jose Camera, pretty much set
on the Nikon D40.  The guy behind the counter was telling me that
Canon service was better, but I hated the feel of the low end Canon.
While I was mulling that over, he was talking to someone else about
Pentax and his K100.  I did some research and concluded that
the K100 got me a lot mroe for my money than the D40, especially
since the D40 wouldn't work well with my manual Nikon glass. 

My goal was for the body and a couple of lenses to last me a few years, 
at which point the camera with the performance I wanted would be
available at a price I'd be willing to pay, and I'd reevaluate
which system I'd use at that point.
It turns out that the camera I was waiting for was the K-5.

> But if this happended today, I don't know what would happen.
> The guy in the shop would probably tell me to get a Canon, Nikon or Sony, 
> like almost everybody else...
> How would you convince a beginner to get a Pentax?

Show them my work.  I've had several people ask me about cameras.  
My advice is to buy the cheapest used DSLR that they can find,
shoot with it for at least a few months, don't spend a lot on 
lenses, and find out what they like to do and what limitations
they run into with the camera.  At that point they can make a better
judgement on what to buy.

I've had several friends buy Pentax, based in part on the work
that they saw me doing.  The Pentax sensor and in body image stabilization
is hard to beat for hand held low light work, throw in good weather
sealing and a low price, and it's very attractive for certain types
of photography.  
> What would you buy, if you were a beginner?
> Regards
> Jens
> Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
> -- 
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Larry Colen                  l...@red4est.com         http://red4est.com/lrc

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