vue scan excellent, but might not be worth the money depending on how
old the scanner is. my advice: scan to tiff at 16-bit if possible and
turn off all auto correction and create actions in photoshop that
would apply whatever adjustments you need. you could also run the
tiffs through lightroom like they were raws and process them that way.
PS will give you more options for color correction though. the scanner
software i've used tends to clip highlights. other than that yeah, try
auto exposure and see if you can turn the brightness down.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 9:19 PM, steve harley <> wrote:
> on 2014-02-24 15:46 David Mann wrote
>> Oh yeah, the scanner is a Minolta Multi Pro.  IIRC they use the same
>> software for many other models.  Other than this little quirk it's
>> excellent.
> not certain from your description, but if VueScan works with this scanner,
> it's possible it could give you a more efficient workflow - might be worth a
> shot with the demo
> --
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