On Feb 25, 2014, at 3:19 pm, steve harley <p...@paper-ape.com> wrote:

> not certain from your description, but if VueScan works with this scanner, 
> it's possible it could give you a more efficient workflow - might be worth a 
> shot with the demo

I knew someone would recommend that.  I tried the demo version again a few 
months ago and just ended up hating it again.  Just couldn't get good results, 
the colours were all over the place and I wasn't able to easily correct them in 
Photoshop.  It was a shame as I'd have been able to do my scanning using my 
Macbook Pro, which I can't with the Minolta software.  It's PPC or Windows 
only, and Virtualbox doesn't support Firewire.

For most slides the Minolta software is very efficient anyway, it's only this 
weird case I've just come across after about 8 or 9 years of owning it.  Before 
now I don't think I've ever applied a negative exposure setting.  It may be 
something about this old film.


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