On 2/14/2015 4:08 PM, John wrote:
On 2/14/2015 3:08 PM, Steve Cottrell wrote:
On 14/2/15, Bob W-PDML, discombobulated, unleashed:

I'm about to be heretical. I read the HGTTG when it was fairly recently
published, and was deeply underwhelmed. I think it's badly written and
unfunny. The basic idea is a good one, badly executed, and I've never
understood the Douglas Adams worship.

I heard the radio series when it was first broadcast back in the 1970s.
I think I read the original book. I thought the radio series was very
funny, but as an advanced sci-fi fan with many books under my belt
already, I took it as just a bit of fun - a lampoon of the SF genre.

I always thought Asimov was overrated. I was a big fan of Larry Niven,
Clarke, Farmer, Heinlein, and a good dozen more.

I plan to dig out my (boxed up) SF library when I retire and re-read the
lot. After a lifetime's experiences, I think it will be a whole new
ballgame :-)

Our local public library is having a talk Sunday March 1, featuring
David Drake & Mark Van Name discussing Heinlein.



I met Asimov once, after he gave a talk at the University of Rhode Island. He was nice personable and a bit amoral, though in a civilized progressive sort of way, at least that was my impression, I shot a couple of photos of him for the school newspaper, that they didn't run unfortunately.

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve 
immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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