Most email clients seem to default to a HTML/MIME interface now-a-days,
and people coming to the internet lately don't even know about plain text.

The PDML's plain text requirement may pose problems for such Know
Nothing Newcomers.

I prefer plain text, but it's getting increasingly difficult to get
others to use it when sending me emails. Now-a-days I get a lot email
that just consists of a message telling me I don't have my email client
configured correctly & a link to some site where I'm supposedly able to
read the email in a browser.

Pretty much I just delete them. If they're that stupid, they don't
really have anything I want to hear about anyway.

If I wanted to read emails in a browser, I'd be using web-mail. PDML's
plain text only format suits me just fine.

On 3/19/2015 7:25 PM, John Coyle wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: PDML [] On Behalf Of Larry Colen
Sent: Friday, 20 March 2015 8:05 AM
To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List
Subject: Re: Where is everyone?

I think I found it in 1997, probably by doing a search for Pentax information 
on the Web - whether
it was Google or not I can't now remember.
I stay with the group because:
        I am still a self-confessed fan boy.
        This group can answer more questions and provide more real-world 
guidance than any other
group I have come across.
        I've owned and used Pentax cameras almost exclusively for 47 years 
(OMG!!), and probably
always will.

I like the plain text, it's easy, and there is no chance of some pest slipping 
in malware via HTML:
I like too the fact that I can choose which messages to retain, and just delete 
the rest.  On
another photo group Facebook hosted, the messages just accumulate, seemingly 

I've only physically met a couple of other PDML-ers (living in Australia it 
tends to be hard to meet
up with others), but I feel I know most of the people in this group reasonably 
well from their input
over the years.

Mark Roberts wrote:
Serious question: How did you find out at the PDML?
(Everyone please feel free to pipe up here.)

Science - Questions we may never find answers for.
Religion - Answers we must never question.

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