paul stenquist wrote:
Oh, so the problem is that Lik makes money. Good for him. I love seeing 
photographers achieve financial success by producing something people want. 
What a novel idea! I admire Rockwell’s ability to make a buck, but I consider 
him a buffoon. Lik also knows how to make money, but he does it with 
intelligence, so I respect him. I’ve never been jealous of those who earn more 
than I do. More power to them.

In case it wasn't obvious the snark in my comment was not directed at Mr. Lik. My first exposure to him was when I was staying with a friend and there was some show about him on TV. My reaction to what he said and his presentation was that he was on overly dramatic pompous buffoon. I was far more impressed by the videography in that episode than the photos that he took.

My impression of his work photographically is that he is indeed a competent photographer. However, if one of his shots with the 645Z were to make it into the PDML annual, I don't think that it would stand out as any better than most of the other landscape photos.

I do recognize that what I objected to on the TV show could well have more to do with the medium than him, and I do not object to any artist making an honest living with their work.

I am somewhat conflicted over his separating suckers from their money by selling his photos as an artwork investment. In a situation somewhat like the gels from the Disney animated movies, in reality the supply far exceeds the demand on the market, so when people try to recoup their investment in his "art", they find that the would end up losing money in the process.

As was pointed out, Kinkade would probably be a more apt comparison. However, I contend that selling investments that lose money can be equivalent to selling advice that is wrong, and in that regard Lik and Rockwell are cut from the same cloth.

On Jun 25, 2015, at 7:56 PM, Larry Colen<>  wrote:

Paul Stenquist wrote:
A ridiculous comparison. Like his vision or not, Lik obviously has a great deal 
of technical expertise. Rockwell has none.
However, they both do a tremendous job of uniting those of us who don't make 
enough off our photography each year to pay for the hard drive storage we use.

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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