Yes, Its quite expensive for an APS-C camera.  I'm also not trying to
promote it, so my apologies for the video.  I'm just asking around K-1
users that can basically answer the question: I hear its a lot better
for AF than my poor little K-5, but can it AF on a moving bird like
this or will it miss too much to be useful in this situation?  I'm at
a crossroads once again like I was before my K-5 purchase, and at that
time, this group was very positive on it.  The pic quality is great
when I make the shot, but AF is tops on my list given my bad eyesight.
What I hear is that its great....

On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Larry Colen <> wrote:
> Gonz wrote:
>> Note, this also includes a paid promotion, so it says...
> That video is a damned effective promotion. It could go a long way to
> convincing me to invest in Nikon gear. I'd love to couple that body with a
> 135/2.0 for photographing musicians.
> There are a lot of areas where Pentax is as good, or better, than Nikon for
> less money, but that sort of autofocus performance, coupled with lens
> selection and Nikon speedlights looks mighty tempting. It's interesting that
> the D500, however, does cost more than the K-1.
> -- Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)
> --
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