On 4/24/2017 15:58, Bob W-PDML wrote:

On 24 Apr 2017, at 20:20, Steve Cottrell <co...@seeingeye.tv> wrote:

On 24/4/17, John Sessoms, discombobulated, unleashed:

How is the 'i' in Cirecester pronounced? Rhymes with "eye" or "seen"?


These things are quite straightforward really. The simple rule is,
however it's spelt, that's not how you say it. If you say it the way
it's spelt everyone will know you're a tourist, and charge you £300
for an ice-cream.

Cirencester= Siren sessta
Gloucester = Glossta
Bicester = Bissta

Leominster = Lemsta
Southwark = Suthuk

Greenwich = Grinnidge

The only exception to the rule, and only in the context of this one
place, is Leicester Square, which is invariably pronounced Lie Sessta
Squaw, with the emphasis on Sessta. Nobody can really explain this,
but it may be that on this one occasion the locals just gave up
trying to teach the correct pronunciation to foreigners, and instead
put ice-cream prices up to £350, plus 10% if want a flake and crushed


Try to crush my nuts & you're liable to get your titties shot off!

I do remember that Worcester is pronounced "Wooster".

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