Neither one of them list the K-1.

And although the Ricoh lists the K-1 under Products on their web site,
it doesn't give you anything about the K-1 if you select it. It gives
you "up to 3 products to compare" and you have to select from the GRII,
WG-M2, Pentax K-50, Pentax KP and WG-50.

The same holds true for the 645Z, K-3 II, K-70 and Theta. Only the
Pentax KP gives you any kind of a link to the product.

What are you gonna' do?

On 8/8/2017 12:00, Darren Addy wrote:
I've never had a Pentax AC adapter before, but want to get into doing
some time lapse work and don't want battery life to be an issue.

The official Pentax model is horrifically overpriced, IMHO:

So I was happy to trip across this one and thought I would pass it
along, in the event that anyone else is looking for one.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE

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