Tell us what you really think Bob;  don't hold back.  <G>

I read the BBC online, the Economist on paper and online, and other British
media online.  It is the very passion and venom that I was finding there
that led me to this post.  I can understand, and to some extent appreciate,
the points of view of both sides.  I am troubled most by the fact that it
seems compromise has become as loathsome a concept to many in Britain as it
is to much of the US.

Dan Matyola

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 6:03 PM Bob W-PDML <> wrote:

> Well, if you can bear it take a look at the Brexit-related comments on
> some of the BBC forums - I'm sure weather forums are not like that. The
> whole thing is a collective descent into madness. There is no reasoned
> discussion, and the reason the Leave won and Remain lost is that Leave
> played on the emotional aspects of it all, while Leave tried to play to
> reason. But it is not an issue where reason really matters for most people
> - I for one am pro-Europe by emotion at least as much as I am by reason.
> What it means is that the arguments are simply playground mud-slinging and
> very tiresome once you're past the initial entertainment of it all.
> The problem is, if there's another referendum and Remain wins, the Leave
> camp will never shut up, they will beaver away obsessively just as they did
> after the 1974 referendum, with their lies and prejudices and bigotry. If
> Leave win I suspect Remain will accept that the war is over and the bad
> guys won. I did march in favour of another referendum a couple of weeks
> ago, with 700,000 others - I don't think we'll get one, but I think it's
> important to make our voice heard because there is a real slide towards
> tyranny of the majority, and the notion of winner takes all, even though
> the Leave majority was less than 4%. It's a very worrying slide.
> The other thing is that if we do indeed leave it will be the leave voters
> who suffer from the economic consequences, not the leaders of the Leave
> movement, who are feathering their own nests and intend to strip the
> workers of their rights as soon as they get the chance, or the middle-class
> oldies like me. They are robber barons of the worst sort, lying, conniving
> little shits who've used people to further their own interests. I'm a
> mild-mannered sort of chap, but I'd to see the whole fucking lot of them
> hanging from lampposts in Parliament Square. In the name of tolerance and
> democracy.
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