John wrote on 1/1/19 6:23 AM:
On 12/31/2018 20:17:00, Larry Colen wrote:
One thing that I do is that I always have a camera with me, maybe not my whole kit, but with a K-3 and 18-250 I at least have the focal length to make an attempt at almost any photo opportunity that I just stumble across.

That works if you never have to leave the camera in the car. I've lost a couple of cameras that were stolen from my car while it was parked; cameras hidden under the seat that weren't even visible from outside the car.

I do the mental calculations of where I'm going, and where I'm parking the car. There's a big difference between parking in a town like Felton and parking in the Mission in San Francisco.

Fortunately they were only $20 "point 'n shoot" cameras I bought from pawn shops specifically so I'd always have a camera with me.

It would really suck to lose a DSLR & a good lens that way.

Larry Colen 

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