On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 11:23 AM, Francis Alviar wrote:

Would you be happy with the following lenses for a
travel kit?

4 are primes and 1 is a zoom

28mm f/3.5
50mm f/1.4
105mm f/2.8 macro
200mm f/4

45-125mm f/4

Couple that with 2 bodies.

Any lens you would leave home?  Any redundancy?


Francis M. Alviar

Where are you going, what are you planning on shooting?

Are you planning to spend a lot of time exploring a few places, but in great detail--or do you like to travel light and adapt what you have to suit the situation you find yourself in?

If I'm going sight seeing in a new city and have no idea of what will capture my interest, I'd take a wide angle and a short telephoto. But if I knew I was going spend most of my time at the zoo photographing animals, I'd take a short and long telephoto. If I'm going to visit a friend and plan to make short forays from that base, I'd take everything that could conceivably be of use and pick from that assortment those lenses which would best support my itinerary .

Dan scott

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