> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francis Alviar [mailto:alviar629030@;yahoo.com]
> Would you be happy with the following lenses for a
> travel kit?
> 4 are primes and 1 is a zoom
> 28mm f/3.5
> 50mm f/1.4
> 105mm f/2.8 macro
> 200mm f/4
> 45-125mm f/4
> Couple that with 2 bodies.
> Any lens you would leave home?  Any redundancy?

Um, this completely depends on what and how you like to shoot, and
what you're comfortable carrying. You'll have a better idea of what
you like once you've done it a couple of times.

Could *you* leave any of these at home? Will you be travelling alone?
Is the primary purpose photography, or travel?

My travel kit consists of the 20-35/4 and 77/1.8 right now. I might
substitute the 100/3.5 macro for the 77 if I think I'll be doing some
landscape stuff. The 43 might make it in there if it's an urban trip.

I think a camera would be nice to bring as well.


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