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The Emperor's New Hump
The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the
election—because it could have changed the election

Extra! January/February 2005

By Dave Lindorff

In the weeks leading up to the November 2 election, the New York Times was
abuzz with excitement. Besides the election itself, the paper’s reporters
were hard at work on two hot investigative projects, each of which could
have a major impact on the outcome of the tight presidential race.

One week before Election Day, the Times (10/25/04) ran a hard-hitting and
controversial exposé of the Al-Qaqaa ammunition dump—identified by U.N.
inspectors before the war as containing 400 tons of special high-density
explosives useful for aircraft bombings and as triggers for nuclear
devices, but left unguarded and available to insurgents by U.S. forces
after the invasion.

On Thursday, just three days after that first exposé, the paper was set to
run a second, perhaps more explosive piece, exposing how George W. Bush
had worn an electronic cueing device in his ear and probably cheated
during the presidential debates.

The so-called Bulgegate story had been getting tremendous attention on the
Internet. Stories about it had also run in many mainstream papers,
including the New York Times (10/9/04, 10/18/04) and Washington Post
(10/9/04), but most of these had been light-hearted. Indeed, the issue had
even made it into the comedy circuit, including the monologues of Jay
Leno, David Letterman, Jon Stewart and a set of strips by cartoonist Garry

That the story hadn’t gotten more serious treatment in the mainstream
press was largely thanks to a well-organized media effort by the Bush
White House and the Bush/Cheney campaign to label those who attempted to
investigate the bulge as "conspiracy buffs" (Washington Post, 10/9/04). In
an era of pinched budgets and an equally pinched notion of the role of the
Fourth Estate, the fact that the Kerry camp was offering no comment on the
matter—perhaps for fear of earning a "conspiracy buff" label for the
candidate himself—may also have made reporters skittish. Jeffrey Klein, a
founding editor of Mother Jones magazine, told Mother Jones (online
edition, 10/30/04) he had called a number of contacts at leading news
organizations across the country, and was told that unless the Kerry
campaign raised the issue, they couldn’t pursue it.

"Totally off base"

The Times’ effort to get to the bottom of the matter through a serious
investigation seemed to be a striking exception. That investigation,
however, despite extensive reporting over several weeks by three Times
reporters, never ran. Now, like the mythic weapons of mass destruction
that were the raison d’etre for the Iraq War, the Times is thus far
claiming that the Bush Bulgegate story never existed in the first place.

Referring to a FAIR press release (11/5/04) about the spiked story,
Village Voice press critic Jarrett Murphy wrote (11/16/04), "A Times
reporter alleged to have worked on such a piece says FAIR was totally off
base: The paper never pursued the story."

Murphy told Extra! that his source at the nation’s self-proclaimed paper
of record—whom he would not identify—told him the information about the
bulge seen under Bush’s jacket during the debates, provided by a senior
astronomer and photo imaging specialist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, had been tossed onto the "nutpile," and was never
researched further.

In fact, several sources, including a journalist at the Times, have told
Extra! that the paper put a good deal of effort into this important story
about presidential competence and integrity; they claim that a story was
written, edited and scheduled to run on several different days, before
senior editors finally axed it at the last minute on Wednesday evening,
October 27. A Times journalist, who said that Times staffers were "pretty
upset" about the killing of the story, claims the senior editors felt
Thursday was "too close" to the election to run such a piece. Emails from
the Times to the NASA scientist corroborate these sources’ accounts.

Battle of the bulge

The Bulgegate story originated when a number of alert viewers of the first
presidential debate noticed a peculiar rectangular bulge on the back of
Bush’s jacket. That they got to see that portion of his anatomy at all was
an accident; the Bush campaign had specifically, and inexplicably,
demanded that the Presidential Debate Commission bar pool TV cameras from
taking rear shots of the candidates during any debates. Fox TV, the first
pool camera for debate one, ignored the rule and put two cameras behind
the candidates to provide establishing shots.

Photos depicting the bulge and speculating on just what it might be (a
medical device, a radio receiver?) began circulating widely around the
Internet, and several special blog sites were established to discuss them.
The suspicion that Bush had been getting cues or answers in his ear was
bolstered by his strange behavior in that first debate, which included
several uncomfortably long pauses before and during his answers. On one
occasion, he burst out angrily with "Now let me finish!" at a time when
nobody was interrupting him and his warning light was not flashing. Images
of visibly bulging backs from earlier Bush appearances began circulating,
along with reports of prior incidents that suggested Bush might have been
receiving hidden cues (London Guardian, 10/8/04).

Finally, on October 8, this reporter ran an investigative report about the
bulge in the online magazine Salon, following up with a second report
(10/13/04)—an interview with an executive of a firm that makes wireless
cueing devices that link to hidden earpieces—that suggested that Bush was
likely to have been improperly receiving secret help during the debates.

At that point, Dr. Robert M. Nelson, a 30-year Jet Propulsion Laboratory
veteran who works on photo imaging for NASA’s various space probes and
currently is part of a photo enhancement team for the Cassini Saturn space
probe, entered the picture. Nelson recounts that after seeing the Salon
story on the bulge, professional curiosity prompted him to apply his
skills at photo enhancement to a digital image he took from a videotape of
the first debate. He says that when he saw the results of his efforts,
which clearly revealed a significant T-shaped object in the middle of
Bush’s back and a wire running up and over his shoulder, he realized it
was an important story.

After first offering it unsuccessfully to his local paper, the Pasadena
Star-News, and then, with equal lack of success, to the Post-Gazette in
Pittsburgh, where he had gone to college, he offered it to the Los Angeles
Times. (In all his media contacts, Nelson says, he offered the use of his
enhanced photos free of charge.) "About three weeks before the election, I
gave the photos to the L.A. Times’ Eric Slater, who shopped them around
the paper," recalls Nelson. "After four days, in which they never got back
to me, I went to the New York Times."

Contradictory explanations

The Times was at first very interested, Nelson reports. There was, after
all, clearly good reason to investigate the issue. The White House and
Bush/ Cheney campaign had initially mocked the bulge story when it had run
in Salon, first attributing it to "doctored" photos circulating on the
Internet (New York Times, 10/9/04), and later claiming that the bulge, so
noticeable in video images, was the result of a "badly tailored suit" (New
York Times, 10/18/04). Bush himself contradicted this White House and
campaign line when he told ABC’s Charles Gibson (Good Morning America,
10/26/04) that the bulge was the result of his wearing a "poorly tailored
shirt" to the debate.

Now Nelson’s photos—the result of his applying the same enhancement
techniques to the debate pictures that he uses to clarify photo images
from space probes—rendered all these official if mutually contradictory
explanations obviously false. (A November 4, 2004 report in the Washington
paper The Hill, citing an unidentified source in the Secret Service,
claimed that the bulge was caused by a bulletproof vest worn by Bush
during the debates, though this had been specifically denied by the White
House and by Bush himself—New York Times, 10/9/04. In any event, no known
vests have rear protuberances resembling the image discovered by Nelson.)

Times science writer William Broad, as well as reporters Andrew Revkin and
John Schwartz, got to work on the story, according to Nelson, and produced
a story that he says they assured him was scheduled to run the week of
October 25. "It got pushed back because of the explosives story," he says,
first to Wednesday, and then to Thursday, October 28. That would still
have been five days ahead of Election Day.

An indication of the seriousness with which the story was being pursued is
provided by an email Schwartz sent to Nelson on October 26—one of a string
of back-and-forth emails between Schwartz and Nelson. It read:

        Hey there, Dr. Nelson—this story is shaping up very nicely, but
my_editors have asked me to hold off for one day while they push through
a few other stories that are ahead of us in line. I might be calling you
again for more information, but I hope that you’ll hold tight and not
tell anyone else about this until we get a chance to get our story out

        Please call me with any concerns that you might have about this, and
thanks again for letting us tell your story.

But on October 28, the article was not in the paper. After learning from
the reporters working on the story that their article had been killed the
night before by senior editors, Nelson eventually sent his photographic
evidence of presidential cheating to Salon magazine, which ran the photos
as the magazine’s lead item on October 29. That same day, Nelson received
the following email from the Times’ Schwartz:

        Congratulations on getting the story into Salon. It’s already all over
the Web in every blog I’ve seen this morning. I’m sorry to have been a
source of disappointment and frustration to you, but I’m very happy to
see your story getting out there.
        Best wishes,

Not exactly the kind of message you’d expect a reporter to send to a "nut."

"The bar is raised higher"

In fact, Schwartz, Revkin and Broad, using Nelson’s photographic evidence
as their starting point, had made a major effort to put together the story
of presidential debate misconduct and deception. Among those called in the
course of their reporting, in addition to Nelson, who says he received
numerous calls and emails from the team, were Cornell physicist Kurt
Gottfried, who was asked to vouch for Nelson’s professional credentials;
Bush/Cheney campaign chair Ken Mehlman (information about this call was
provided by a journalist at the Times); and Jim Atkinson, an owner of a
spyware and debugging company in Gloucester, Mass., called Granite Island

"The Times reporters called me a number of times on this story," confirms
Atkinson. "I was able to identify the object Nelson highlighted
definitively as a magnetic cueing device that uses a wire yoke around the
neck to communicate with a hidden earpiece—the kind of thing that is used
routinely now by music performers, actors, reporters—and by politicians."

He adds, "The Times reporters called me repeatedly. They were absolutely
going after this story aggressively, though at one point they told me they
were concerned that their editors were going to kill it."

Efforts to learn more about the history and fate of this story at the New
York Times met for weeks with official silence. Several inquiries were
made by phone and email to Times public editor Daniel Okrent over a period
of three weeks, eliciting one response—an email from his assistant asking
for the names of Extra!’s sources at the Times. He was not provided with
the sources, but was given the names of the three reporters who worked on
the piece, which had been disclosed by Dr. Nelson. (At deadline time,
Okrent did finally call, and promised to seek the answer to the story’s
fate. A week later, at press time, he had yet to do so.)

One clue as to what happened at the Times is provided by a final email
message sent by Times reporter Schwartz to Nelson, who had written to
Schwartz to alert him that he had gone on to analyze photos of Bush’s back
in the subsequent two debates. Schwartz wrote:

        Subject: Re: reanalysis of debate images more convincing than before

        Dear Dr. Nelson,

        Thanks for sticking with me on this. I don’t know what might convince
them—and the bar is raised higher the closer we are to the election,
because they don’t want to seem to be springing something at the last
moment—but I will bring this up with my bosses.

"Voters have a right to know"

Ironically, however, on November 1, the New York Times ran a story by
reporters Jacques Steinberg and David Carr, titled "Media Timing and the
October Surprise." The Times had been taking considerable heat from
conservatives and from the Bush campaign for running the Al-Qaqaa story,
an investigative piece critical of Iraq War leadership—and thus damaging
to Bush’s election campaign—so close to Election Day.

While the thrust of this article was a justification for the Times’
decision to run the controversial missing-explosives story a week ahead of
the election, executive editor Bill Keller added a comment about the
seemingly hypothetical issue of running a damaging story about a candidate
as close as two days ahead of the voting:

        I can’t say categorically you should not publish an article damaging to 
candidate in the last days before an election. . . . If you learned a day
or two before the election that a candidate had lied about some essential
qualification for the job—his health or criminal record—and there’s no
real doubt and you’ve given the candidate a chance to respond and the
response doesn’t cast doubt on the story, do you publish it? Yes. Voters
certainly have a right to know that.

Oddly, though, despite Keller’s having taken such a position, the Times
apparently chose not to run the Nelson pictures story on the grounds of
proximity to Election Day. Even more oddly, despite the fact that the
Times had thoroughly researched and reported Nelson’s story before
deciding not to run it—even after the story had run in both Salon and
Mother Jones—the Times still ducked (and continues to duck) the whole
bulge story itself, ignoring an important issue that it knew to be
factually substantiated.

No mention of the Bush bulge was made in either the Times or the
Washington Post between October 29 and Election Day—aside from a one-line
mention in a New York Times Magazine essay by Matt Bai (10/31/04) that
used the Bulgegate story as an example of the paranoia of "political

        A rumor that the president somehow cheated in the televised debates—was
that a wire under his jacket? was he listening to Karl Rove on a
microscopic earpiece?—flies across the Internet and takes hold in dark
corners of the public imagination.

The only subsequent reference to the bulge was a light post-election piece
by Times Washington reporter Elizabeth Bumiller (11/8/04), who cited the
anonymously sourced Hill story saying the bulge was body armor (an odd
decision by the Times, which officially frowns on unidentified sources
even for its own pieces). She reported that the White House tailor was
miffed at having earlier been blamed for the bulge by the White House.

“A lot of hoops”

While the New York Times seems to have been the only newspaper to write an
investigative story on the Bush bulge and then kill it, it was not the
only paper to duck the story about the bulge and its dramatic confirmation
and delineation by Nelson. In addition to the L. A. Times and the two
local papers that showed no interest, Nelson says that the same day he
learned that his story had been killed at the Times, October 28, he
received a phone call from Washington Post assistant managing editor Bob
Woodward, famous for his investigative reports on Watergate. "Woodward
said he’d heard the Times had killed the story and asked me if I could
send the photos to him," says Nelson.

The JPL scientist did so immediately, via email, noting that he had also
been in touch with Salon magazine. He says Woodward then sent his
photographs over to a photo analyst at the paper to check them for
authenticity, which Nelson says was confirmed.

A day later, realizing time was getting short, Nelson called Woodward
back. Recalls Nelson: "He told me, 'Look, I’m going to have to go through
a lot of hoops to get this story published. You’re already talking to
Salon. Why don’t you work with them?'" (Several emails to Woodward asking
him about Nelson's account have gone unanswered.)

At that point Nelson, despairing of getting the pictures in a major
publication, went with the online magazine Salon. This reporter
subsequently asked Nelson to do a similar photo analysis of digital images
of Bush’s back taken from the tapes of the second and third presidential
debates. The resulting photos, which also clearly show the cueing device
and magnetic loop harness under his jacket on both occasions, were posted,
together with Nelson’s images from the first debate, on the news website
of Mother Jones magazine (10/30/04).

What should affect elections?

Ben Bagdikian, retired dean of U.C. Berkeley's journalism school, held
Woodward's current position at the Washington Post during the time of the
Pentagon Papers. Informed of the fate of the bulge story and Nelson's
photos at the three newspapers, he said:

I cannot imagine a paper I worked for turning down a story like this
before an election. This was credible photographic evidence not about
breaking the rules, but of a total lack of integrity on the part of the
president, evidence that he'd cheated in the debate, and also of a lack of
confidence in his ability on the part of his campaign. I'm shocked to hear
top management decided not to run such a story.

Could the last-minute decision by the New York Times not to run the Nelson
photos story, or the decision by the Washington Post and the Los Angeles
Times not even to pursue it, have affected the outcome of the recent
presidential race? There is no question that if such a story had run in
any one of those major venues, instead of just in two online publications,
Bulgegate would have been a major issue in the waning days of the

Given that exit polls show many who voted for Bush around the country
listed "moral values" as a big factor in their decision, it seems
reasonable to assume that at least some would have changed their minds had
evidence been presented in the nation’s biggest and most influential
newspapers that Bush had been dishonest.

"Cheating on a debate should affect an election," says Bagdikian. "The
decision not to let people know this story could affect the history of the
United States."

Investigative journalist Dave Lindorff is a regular columnist for
CounterPunch. His latest book is This Can’t Be Happening: Resisting the
Disintegration of American Democracy (Common Courage Press). His writings
can be found at

Spiking the Bush Bulge Story: Confirmed

As Extra! went to press, New York Times public editor Daniel Okrent posted
a message on his website (12/21/04) confirming that his paper had, in
fact, killed a story about the device under George W. Bush’s suit. Here is
the text of Okrent’s message:

        President Bush and the Jacket Bulge

        Online discussion of the famous bulge on President Bush’s back at the
first presidential debate hasn’t stopped. One reporter (Dave Lindorff of asserted that the Times had a story in the works about a NASA
scientist who had done a careful study of the graphic evidence, but it
was spiked by the paper’s top editors sometime during the week before the
election. Many readers have asked me for an explanation.

        I checked into Lindorff’s assertion, and he’s right. The story’s life at
the Times began with a tip from the NASA scientist, Robert Nelson, to
reporter Bill Broad. Soon his colleagues on the science desk, John
Schwartz and Andrew Revkin, took on the bulk of the reporting. Science
editor Laura Chang presented the story at the daily news meeting but,
like many other stories, it did not make the cut. According to executive
editor Bill Keller, "In the end, nobody, including the scientist who
brought it up, could take the story beyond speculation. In the crush of
election-finale stories, it died a quiet, unlamented death."

        Revkin, for one, wished it had run. Here’s what he told me in an e-mail

        I can appreciate the broader factors weighing on the paper’s top 
particularly that close to the election. But personally, I think that
Nelson’s assertions did rise above the level of garden-variety
speculation, mainly because of who he is. Here was a veteran government
scientist, whose decades-long career revolves around interpreting imagery
like features of Mars, who decided to say very publicly that, without
reservation, he was convinced there was something under a president’s
jacket when the White House said there was nothing. He essentially put
his hard-won reputation utterly on the line (not to mention his job) in
doing so and certainly with little prospect that he might gain something
as a result—except, as he put it, his preserved integrity.

        Revkin also told me that before Nelson called Broad, he had approached
other media outlets as well. None—until Salon—published anything on
Nelson’s analysis. "I’d certainly choose [Nelson’s] opinion over that of
a tailor," Revkin concluded, referring to news reports that cited the man
who makes the president’s suits. "Hard to believe that so many in the
media chose the tailor, even in coverage after the election."


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