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"Bill Thomson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The primary way that Mr. Bush creates the budget deficit is through
military expenditures, which are politically palatable to the American
public.  What the public does not realize, however, is the very real
trade-off between military cost and virtually everything else.  Today in
my relatively affluent hometown of Ann Arbor, Michigan, we are facing
what our mayor calls a "budget crisis".  Once again I repeat my mantra,
"...the residents and businesses [of Ann Arbor] through income tax
payments contribute over $380,000,000 annually to the cost of present
and past military-related activities (over $3500 per capita), an amount
priorities at work here, and I would submit, a powerful political
argument to be made.  It cannot be the case that Ann Arbor is unique in
this respect.  This argument must be made, and made at the local level!?
Pentagon Budget Up; War Cost Is Excluded


New York Times
February 8, 2005

President Offers Budget Proposal With Broad Cuts

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 - President Bush proposed a budget on Monday that would
scale back or eliminate scores of agriculture, education, health,
environmental and other domestic programs to help him meet his goal of
slashing the budget deficit while providing more money for national

Mr. Bush and his aides portrayed the plan as an effort to prune
ineffective and duplicative programs while providing more support to
priorities like keeping the nation safe from terrorism, keeping the
economy healthy, improving high school education and building health
clinics in poor areas.

The budget responded to mounting calls from conservatives for Mr. Bush to
take a harder line against the expansion of government, and it laid out a
path for meeting his target of cutting the deficit in half by 2009 without
giving an inch on his demand to make permanent the tax cuts he pushed
through Congress in his first term.

"It's a budget that reduces and eliminates redundancy," Mr. Bush said
after meeting with his cabinet at the White House to discuss his plan for
$2.57 trillion in government outlays for the fiscal year starting on Oct.
1. "We've had a history of being successful in terms of passing good,
strong budgets, and so I'm very optimistic that we can do so again this

Although it was welcomed by many Republicans on Capitol Hill as the first
ambitious effort to check the growth of government since right after the
Republican takeover of the House in 1994, other members of Mr. Bush's
party were clearly leery of some specific proposals, especially the call
for substantial reductions in aid to farmers.

Democrats denounced the budget as wrongheaded in its priorities and said
it masked the fiscal effects of the administration's policies. Noting that
the administration's budget made no allowance beyond this year for the
costs of the military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan and left out
entirely the costs of Mr. Bush's proposal for overhauling Social Security,
they said his proposals were not credible.

"This budget takes cops off the street, hurts veterans and punishes
schoolchildren while saddling future generations with record budget
deficits and mountains of debt," said Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.
"There's nothing fiscally responsible here."

If enacted, Mr. Bush's plan would slow the growth of overall government
spending to 3.6 percent next year, from 8.2 percent this year. It would
result in broad, money-saving changes in programs as varied as the
government insurance plan for pensions, low-income housing assistance and
student loans. And it would lead to the first reduction since the Reagan
administration in programs not related to the military that Congress
revisits each year, like local law enforcement projects, the national park
system and preschool literacy projects.

Spending on that category - in budgetary language, nondefense,
nondomestic-security discretionary spending - would be trimmed by almost
$3 billion, or about seven-tenths of 1 percent, for the year starting Oct.
1, to $389 billion from $392 billion. It would then be frozen at $389
billion for four years, effectively imposing a further cut each year after
taking account of inflation.

The proposal also calls for substantial reductions in programs like
Medicaid and food stamps where spending levels are largely determined by
eligibility criteria.

Reflecting Mr. Bush's focus on fighting terrorism at home and abroad, the
Pentagon's budget would increase 4.75 percent next year, to $419 billion
from $400 billion, and spending on domestic security would rise 3.2
percent, to $32.2 billion from $31.2 billion. Both the military and
domestic security programs would also get steady increases through the
rest of the decade.

The budget included $81 billion for the request Mr. Bush is expected to
send Congress next week to pay for military operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan in the 2005 fiscal year. But it included no money specifically
to pay war costs in those nations next year or in following years.
Administration officials said it was impossible to know how much might be

Even as his plan took a knife to many spending programs in the name of
fiscal responsibility, it left room to make permanent the tax cuts of Mr.
Bush's first term, at a cost of $53 billion in the next five years and
$1.1 trillion through 2015. The costs are heavily concentrated after 2010
partly because some of the tax cuts, like the repeal of the estate tax,
are being phased in gradually until then, holding down the revenue loss in
the next five years.

The new budget proposal also called for new tax cuts worth $23 billion in
the next five years and $117 billion through 2015.

After running up the national debt in the last few years, the United
States is coming under pressure from other nations, as well as the
financial markets, to start improving its fiscal condition, and Mr. Bush's
budget sought to show progress by mapping a path to a substantially
reduced budget deficit. It showed a deficit in 2009 of $233 billion,
compared with $412 billion last year.

But little if any progress would come in the first year or two. The budget
shows the deficit climbing this year to $427 billion, including the $81
billion in new money for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq
and Afghanistan, then declining next year to $390 billion. But the
estimate for next year does not include any money for a continued American
presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, assuring that the actual deficit -
assuming that the administration's economic assumptions are correct - will
be higher than that projection.

The budget's figures for later years also understate the likely size of
the deficit by not including the borrowing that, by the administration's
own figures, would be needed to establish the private investment accounts
that Mr. Bush has proposed for Social Security starting in 2009.
Administration officials said the private accounts plan would add $23
billion to the deficit in 2009 and $56.5 billion to it in 2010, and would
require higher levels of borrowing in subsequent years. The proposed
spending cuts would range across the government, and include reductions
that the administration has previously tried and failed to wring from
Congress as well as new ones.

The Justice Department would cut two programs to help localities hire more
police officers, saving $635 million. The Energy Department would
eliminate its oil and gas research and development programs, which this
year received $83 million.

The Education Department would end 48 programs, including one that will
provide $441 million in grants this year to states to promote drug-free
schools and another that will spend $33 million this year on reducing
alcohol abuse among students. The Environmental Protection Agency would
cut by $500 million its program to help poor communities build wastewater
treatment plants and other water projects.

The cuts would be offset to some extent by increased spending on programs
Mr. Bush supports. NASA would get an added $400 million, or 2.4 percent,
bringing its budget to $16.5 billion as it focuses on the administration's
long-term goal of a manned mission to Mars. The budget also called for
$3.2 billion to fight AIDS around the world, a rise of $382 million over
this year but less than what the administration had originally signaled it
would provide. The Department of Health and Human Services would get $304
million more for its program to build health clinics in poor
neighborhoods, bringing the total for next year to $2 billion.

After leading the nation through a military buildup and the creation of
the Homeland Security Department after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Bush has
been labeled a "big-government conservative" - admiringly by some
Republicans, derisively by others who have grown frustrated by what they
see as their inability to make good on their claim to be the party of
limited government.

This latest budget moves Mr. Bush in the direction of those conservatives
most determined to scale back the federal government. And it creates a
situation that many Democrats have feared: The combination of tax cuts and
military spending increases has taken so much money off the table that
they must choose between voting to cut programs they support or enduring
Republican attacks on their fiscal responsibility.

But pork-barrel spending and regional interests know few ideological
boundaries, and Congress, even under Republican control, has been
resistant to broad or deep budget cuts. Mr. Bush, who does not face
re-election again, can more easily support them than can senators and
representatives who do.

Still, there are factors working in the White House's favor. The
Republican leadership on Capitol Hill has tightened its control over the
appropriations process by installing committee and subcommittee chairmen
who are more inclined to support leaner budgets than were their
predecessors. November's elections also expanded Republican majorities in
both the House and the Senate.

"Every individual member will be disappointed about something in this
budget, I am sure," said Joshua B. Bolten, the director of the White
House's Office of Management and Budget. "Over all, I think they
understand in the aggregate the need to restrain the federal government
spending appetite, and I'm hopeful we're going to get some good support."


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