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Published on Wednesday, January 17, 2006

Life on the Plantation
by Bill Moyers

Delivered to the Media Reform Conference, Memphis, TN
January 12, 2007

It has long been said (ostensibly by Benjamin Franklin, but we can’t be
sure) that “democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for
dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

My fellow lambs:

It’s good to be in Memphis and find you well-armed with passion for
democracy, readiness for action, and courage for the next round in the
fight for a free and independent press.

I salute the conviction that brought you here. I cherish the spirit that
fills this hall and the camaraderie we share today. All too often the
greatest obstacle to reform is the reform movement itself. Factions rise,
fences are built, jealousies mount – and the cause all believe in is lost
in the shattered fragments of what was once a clear and compelling vision.

Reformers, in fact, too often remind me of Baptists. I speak as a Baptist.
I know Baptists.

One of my favorite stories is of the fellow who was about to jump off a
bridge when another fellow runs up to him, crying: “Stop. Stop. Stop.
Don’t do it.”

The man on the bridge looks down and asks, “Why not?”

“Well, there’s much to live for.”

“Like what?”

“Well, your faith. Are you religious?”


“Me, too. Christian or Buddhist?”


“Me, too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?”


“Me, too. Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist?”


“Me, too. Are you original Baptist Church of God or Reformed Baptist
Church of God?”

“Reformed Baptist Church of God.”

“Me, too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God Reformation of 1820, or
Reformed Baptist Church of God Reformation of 1912?”


Whereupon the second fellow turned red in the face, shouted, “Die, you
heretic scum,” and pushed him off the bridge.”

That sounds like reformers, doesn’t it?

By avoiding contentious factionalism, you have created a strong movement.
I will confess to you that I was skeptical when Bob McChesney and John
Nichols first raised the issue of media consolidation a few years ago. I
was sympathetic but skeptical. The challenge of actually doing something
about this issue – beyond simply bemoaning its impact on democracy – was
daunting. How could we hope to come up with an effective response to an
inexorable force?

It seemed inexorable because over the previous two decades a series of
mega-media mergers had swept the country, each deal even bigger than the
last. The lobby representing the broadcast, cable, and newspaper industry
is extremely powerful, with an iron grip on lawmakers and regulators
alike. Both parties bowed to their will when the Republican Congress
passed and President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
That monstrous assault on democracy, with malignant consequences for
journalism, was nothing but a welfare giveaway to the largest, richest and
most powerful media conglomerates in the world – Goliaths whose handful of
owners controlled, commodified and monetized everyone, and everything, in

Call it the plantation mentality in its modern incarnation. Here in
Memphis they know all about that mentality. Even in 1968 the Civil Rights
movement was still battling the “plantation mentality” based on race,
gender, and power that permeated Southern culture long before and even
after the groundbreaking legislation of the mid-1960s. When Martin Luther
King, Jr. came to Memphis to join the strike of garbage workers in 1968,
the cry from every striker’s heart – “I am a man” – voiced the long
suppressed outrage of a people whose rights were still being trampled by
an ownership class that had arranged the world for its own benefit. The
plantation mentality was a phenomenon deeply insulated in the American
experience early on, and it permeated and corrupted our course as a
nation. The journalist of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine, had
envisioned this new republic as “a community of occupations,” prospering
“by the aid which each receives from the other, and from the whole.” But
that vision was repeatedly betrayed, so that less than a century after
Thomas Paine’s death, Theodore Roosevelt, bolting a Republican party whose
bosses had stolen the nomination from him, declared:

It is not to be wondered at that our opponents have been very bitter, for
the lineup in this crisis is one that cuts deep to the foundations of
government. Our democracy is now put to a vital test, for the conflict is
between human rights on the one side and on the other special privilege
asserted as a property right. The parting of the ways has come.

Today, a hundred years after Teddy Roosevelt’s death, those words ring
just as true. America is socially divided and politically benighted.
Inequality and poverty grow steadily along with risk and debt. Many
working families cannot make ends meet with two people working, let alone
if one stays home to care for children or aging parents. Young people
without privilege and wealth struggle to get a footing. Seniors enjoy less
and less security for a lifetime’s work. We are racially segregated in
every meaningful sense except the letter of the law. And survivors of
segregation and immigration toil for pennies on the dollar compared to
those they serve.

None of this is accidental. Nobel laureate economist Robert Solow – not
someone known for extreme political statements – characterizes what is
happening as nothing less than elite plunder: “The redistribution of
wealth in favor of the wealthy and of power in favor of the powerful.”
Indeed, nearly all of the wealth America created over the past 25 years
has been captured by the top 20% of households, and most of the gains went
to the wealthiest. The top 1% of households captured more than 50% of all
gains in financial wealth. These households hold more than twice the share
their predecessors held on the eve of the American Revolution. Of the
early American democratic creeds, the anti-Federalist warning that
government naturally works to “fortify the conspiracies of the rich”
proved especially prophetic. So it is this that we confront today.
America’s choice between two fundamentally different economic visions. As
Norton Garfinkle writes in his new book The American Dream vs. The Gospel
of Wealth, the historic vision of the American Dream is that continuing
economic growth and political stability can be achieved by supporting
income growth and the economic security of middle-class families without
restricting the ability of successful businessmen to gain wealth. The
counter belief is that providing maximum financial rewards to the most
successful is the way to maintain high economic growth. The choice cannot
be avoided: What kind of economy do we seek, and what kind of nation do we
wish to be? Do we want to be a country in which the “rich get richer and
the poor get poorer?” Or do we want to be a country committed to an
economy that provides for the common good, offers upward mobility,
supports a middle-class standard of living, and provides generous
opportunity for all? In Garfinkle’s words, “When the richest nation in the
world has to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars to pay its bill, when
its middle-class citizens sit on a mountain of debt to maintain their
living standards, when the nation’s economy has difficulty producing
secure jobs or enough jobs of any kind, something is amiss.”

You bet something is amiss. And it goes to the core of why we are here in
Memphis for this conference. We are talking about a force– media– that
cuts deep to the foundation of democracy. When Teddy Roosevelt dissected
the “real masters of the reactionary forces” in his time, he concluded
that they “directly or indirectly control the majority of the great daily
newspapers that are against us.” Those newspapers – the dominant media of
the day– “choked” (his word) the channels of information ordinary people
needed to understand what was being done to them.

And today? Two basic pillars of American society – shared economic
prosperity and a public sector capable of serving the common good – are
crumbling. The third basic pillar of American democracy – an independent
press– is under sustained attack, and the channels of information are

A few huge corporations now dominate the media landscape in America.
Almost all the networks carried by most cable systems are owned by one of
the major media conglomerates. Two thirds of today’s newspaper markets are
monopolies. As ownership gets more and more concentrated, fewer and fewer
independent sources of information have survived in the marketplace. And
those few significant alternatives that do survive, such as PBS and NPR,
are under growing financial and political pressure to reduce critical news
content and shift their focus in a “mainstream” direction, which means
being more attentive to the establishment than to the bleak realities of
powerlessness that shape the lives of ordinary people.

What does today’s media system mean for the notion of the “informed
public” cherished by democratic theory? Quite literally, it means that
virtually everything the average person sees or hears outside of her own
personal communications is determined by the interests of private,
unaccountable executives and investors whose primary goal is increasing
profits and raising the company’s share price. More insidiously, this
small group of elites determines what ordinary people do not see or hear.
In-depth news coverage of anything, let alone of the problems people face
day-to-day, is as scarce as sex, violence, and voyeurism are pervasive.
Successful business model or not, by democratic standards, this is
censorship of knowledge by monopolization of the means of information. In
its current form – which Barry Diller happily describes as oligopoly–
media growth has one clear consequence: there is more information and
easier access to it, but it’s more narrow in content and perspective, so
that what we see from the couch is overwhelmingly a view from the top.

The pioneering communications scholar Murray Edelman wrote that “Opinions
about public policy do not spring immaculately or automatically into
people’s minds; they are always placed there by the interpretations of
those who can most consistently get their claims and manufactured cues
publicized widely.” For years the media marketplace for “opinions about
public policy” has been dominated by a highly-disciplined,
thoroughly-networked ideological “noise machine,” to use David Brock’s
term. Permeated with slogans concocted by big corporations, their
lobbyists and their think-tank subsidiaries, public discourse has
effectively changed how American values are perceived. Day after day, the
ideals of fairness and liberty and mutual responsibility have been
stripped of their essential dignity and meaning in people’s lives. Day
after day, the egalitarian creed of our Declaration of Independence is
trampled underfoot by hired experts and sloganeers who speak of the “death
tax,” the “ownership society,” the “culture of life,” the “liberal
assault” on God and family, “compassionate conservation,” “weak on
terrorism,” the “end of history,” the “clash of civilizations,” “no child
left behind.” They have even managed to turn the escalation of a failed
war into a “surge” – as if it were a current of electricity charging
through a wire instead of blood spurting from a soldier’s ruptured veins.
We have all the Orwellian filigree of a public sphere in which language
conceals reality and the pursuit of personal gain and partisan power is
wrapped in rhetoric that turns truth to lies and lies to truth.

So it is, that “limited government” has little to do with the constitution
or local autonomy any more; now it means corporate domination and the
shifting of risk from government and business to struggling families and
workers. “Family values” now means imposing a sectarian definition on
everyone else. “Religious freedom” now means majoritarianism and public
benefits for organized religion without any public burdens. And
“patriotism” now means blind support for failed leaders. It’s what happens
when an interlocking media system filters, through commercial values or
ideology, the information and moral viewpoints that people consume in
their daily lives.

By no stretch of the imagination can we say the dominant institutions of
today’s media are guardians of democracy. Despite the profusion of new
information “platforms” on cable, on the Internet, on radio, blogs,
podcasts, YouTube and MySpace, among others, the resources for solid
original journalistic work, both investigative and interpretive, are
contracting rather than expanding. I’m old fashioned in this, a hangover
from my days as a cub reporter and later a publisher. I agree with Michael
Schudson, one of our leading scholars of communication, who writes in the
current Columbia Journalism Review that “while all media matter, some
matter more than others, and for the sake of democracy, print still counts
most, especially print that devotes resources to gathering news. Network
TV matters, cable TV matters, but when it comes to original investigation
and reporting, newspapers are overwhelmingly the most important media.”
But newspapers are purposely dumbing down, driven down – says Schudson– by
“Wall Street, whose collective devotion to an informed citizenry is nil,
seems determined to eviscerate newspapers.” Meanwhile, despite some
initial promise following the shock of 9/11, television has returned to
its tabloid ways, chasing celebrity and murders – preferably both at the
same time– while wallowing in triviality, banality and a self-referential

Worrying about the loss of real news is not a romantic cliché of
journalism. It has been verified by history: from the days of royal
absolutism to the present, the control of information and knowledge had
been the first line of defense for failed regimes facing democratic

The suppression of parliamentary dissent during Charles I’s “eleven years
tyranny” in England (1629-1640) rested largely on government censorship
operating through strict licensing laws for the publication of books. The
Federalists’ infamous Sedition Act of 1798 likewise sought to quell
Republican insurgency by making it a crime to publish “false, scandalous,
and malicious writing” about the government or its officials.

In those days, our governing bodies tried to squelch journalistic freedom
with the blunt instruments of the law – padlocks for the presses and jail
cells for outspoken editors and writers. Over time, with spectacular
wartime exceptions, the courts and the constitution have struck those
weapons out of their hands. But now they’ve found new methods, in the name
of “national security” and even broader claims of “executive privilege.”
The number of documents stamped “Top Secret,” “Secret” or “Confidential”
has accelerated dramatically since 2001, including many formerly
accessible documents which are now reclassified as secret. Vice-President
Cheney’s office refuses to disclose what, in fact, it is classifying: even
their secrecy is being kept a secret.

Beyond what is officially labeled “Secret” or “Privileged” information,
there hovers on the plantation a culture of selective official news
implementation, working through favored media insiders, to advance
political agendas by leak and innuendo and spin, by outright propaganda
mechanisms such as the misnamed “Public Information” offices that churn
out blizzards of factually selective releases on a daily basis, and even
by directly paying pundits and journalists to write on subjects of “mutual
interest.” They needn’t have wasted the money. As we saw in the run-up to
the invasion of Iraq, the plantation mentality that governs Washington
turned the press corps into sitting ducks for the war party for government
and neo-conservative propaganda and manipulation. There were notable
exceptions – Knight Ridder’s bureau, for example – but on the whole all
high-ranking officials had to do was say it, and the press repeated it,
until it became gospel. The height of myopia came with the admission by a
prominent beltway anchor that his responsibility is to provide officials a
forum to be heard. Not surprisingly, the watchdog group FAIR found that
during the three weeks leading up to the invasion, only three percent of
U.S. sources on the evening news of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and PBS
expressed skeptical opinions of the impending war. Not surprisingly, two
years after 9/11, almost seventy percent of the public still thought it
likely that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the terrorist
attacks of that day. An Indiana school teacher told the Washington Post,
“From what we’ve heard from the media, it seems like what they feel is
that Saddam and the whole Al Qaeda thing are connected.” Much to the
advantage of the Bush administration, a large majority of the public
shared this erroneous view during the buildup to the war– a propaganda
feat that Saddam himself would have envied. It is absolutely stunning
–frightening– how the major media organizations were willing, even
solicitous hand puppets of a state propaganda campaign, cheered on by the
partisan ideological press to go to war.

There are many other ways the plantation mentality keeps Americans from
reality. Take the staggering growth of money-in-politics. Compared to the
magnitude of the problem, what the average person knows about how money
determines policy is negligible. In fact, in the abstract, the polls tell
us, most people generally assume that money controls our political system.
But people will rarely act on something they understand only in the
abstract. It took a constant stream of images – water hoses, dogs and
churches ablaze– for the public at large to finally understand what was
happening to Black people in the South. It took repeated scenes of
destruction in Vietnam before the majority of Americans saw how we were
destroying the country to save it. And it took repeated crime-scene images
to maintain public support for many policing and sentencing policies.
Likewise, people have to see how money-in-politics actually works, and
concretely grasp the consequences for their pocket books and their lives,
before they will act. Media organizations supply a lot of news and
commentary, but almost nothing that would reveal who really wags the
system, and how. When I watch one of those faux debates on a Washington
public affairs show, with one politician saying this is a bad bill, and
the other politician saying this is a good bill, I yearn to see the
smiling, nodding beltway anchor suddenly interrupt and insist: “Good bill
or bad bill, this is a bought bill. Whose financial interest are you
serving here?”

Then there are the social costs of “free trade.” For over a decade, free
trade has hovered over the political system like a biblical commandment,
striking down anything–trade unions, the environment, indigenous rights,
even the constitutional standing of our own laws passed by our elected
representatives– that gets in the way of unbridled greed. The broader
negative consequence of this agenda– increasingly well-documented by
scholars– gets virtually no attention in the dominant media. Instead of
reality, we get optimistic multicultural scenarios of coordinated global
growth, and instead of substantive debate, we get a stark, formulaic
choice between free trade to help the world and gloomy sounding
“protectionism” that will set everyone back.

The degree to which this has become a purely ideological debate, devoid of
any factual basis that can help people weigh net gains and losses, is
reflected in Thomas Friedman’s astonishing claim, stated not long ago in a
television interview, that he endorsed the Central American Free Trade
Agreement (CAFTA) without even reading it – that is, simply because it
stood for “free trade.” We have reached the stage when the pooh-bahs of
punditry only have to declare the world is flat for everyone to agree it
is, without even going to the edge to look for themselves.

I think what’s happened is not indifference or laziness or incompetence
but the fact that most journalists on the plantation have so internalized
conventional wisdom that they simply accept that the system is working as
it should. I’m working on a documentary about the role of the press in the
run-up to the war, and over and again reporters have told me it just never
occurred to them that high officials would manipulate intelligence in
order to go to war.


Similarly, the question of whether our political and economic system is
truly just or not is off the table for investigation and discussion by
most journalists. Alternative ideas, alternative critiques, alternative
visions rarely get a hearing, and uncomfortable realities are obscured,
such as growing inequality, the re-segregation of our public schools, the
devastating onward march of environmental deregulation– all examples of
what happens when independent sources of knowledge and analysis are so few
and far between on the plantation.

So if we need to know what is happening, and big media won’t tell us; if
we need to know why it matters, and big media won’t tell us; if we need to
know what to do about it, and big media won’t tell us – it’s clear what we
have to do: we have to tell the story ourselves.

And this is what the plantation owners fear most of all. Over all those
decades here in the South when they used human beings as chattel and
quoted scripture to justify it (property rights over human rights was
God’s way), they secretly lived in fear that one day instead of saying,
“Yes, Massa,” those gaunt, weary sweat-soaked field hands bending low over
the cotton under the burning sun would suddenly stand up straight, look
around at their stooped and sweltering kin, and announce: “This can’t be
the product of intelligent design. The bossman’s been lying to me.
Something is wrong with this system.” This is the moment freedom begins –
the moment you realize someone else has been writing your story and it’s
time you took the pen from his hand and started writing it yourself. When
the garbage workers struck here in 1968, and the walls of these buildings
echoed with the cry “I am a man,” they were writing their own story.
Martin Luther King, Jr. came here to help them tell it, only to die on the
balcony of the Lorraine Motel. The bullet killed him, but it couldn’t kill
the story. You can’t kill the story once the people start writing it.


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