> Date:         Wed, 23 Apr 1997 09:50:57 GMT
> Reply-To: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sender: Forum on Labor in the Global Economy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: LabourNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:      Fw: Palestine Teachers Urgent Appeal
> -----Begin Included Message -----
> Date: Tue, 22 Apr 97 22:53:16 PDT
> Subject: Pal. Teachers Urgent Appeal
> To: LabourNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> WAC - Workers' Advice Center
> Jaffa 972-3-6839145 050-586198 Fax 972-3-6839148 E-mail
> Urgent Appeal 22.4.97
> 25 Teachers Detained today by Palestinian Authority (PA) for their
> role in the strike movement
> The aim of the arrests is to break the strike of 15,000 teachers in
> Government schools who demand better wages. WAC calls upon the PA to
> set the detained trade unionists free and enter negotiations with
> their Coordinating Committee.
> 25 Palestinian teachers from Nablus (19) Jenin (3) and  Ramallah (3)
> were detained last night (21.4)  by Palestinian Authority (PA)
> Security forces, in what could be described as a dangerous turn of
> events of the Teachers' three months struggle for better wages and
> work conditions.
> The detainees are known to be the members of the Higher Coordinating
> Committee of Teachers in the Homeland's School (HCCT) that leads the
> struggle of the teachers. Sources in Ramallah say that PA officials
> threatened to arrest every teacher that was found in school as part of
> the strike. A meeting of the HCCT that was supposed to take place
> today (22.4) in Nablus was canceled as PA forces closed the area of
> the meeting place.
> Prior to the arrests the PA agreed for the first time for a  meeting
> of the HCCT with Chairman Arafat. However the meeting that took place
> 19.4 was a failure. HCCT statement said that the PA neglected a
> previous agreement on 100-150 INS (30-45$) pay rise for all teachers
> as a first step for ending the strike. Furthermore according to HCCT
> the PA announced to the local press after the meeting the end of the
> strike in complete disregard to the position of the HCCT using its
> monopoly on the Palestinian Media.
> HCCT's statement refuted the announcement of the PA and called all
> teachers to continue their struggle.. HCCT announced that a Poll of
> teachers opinion will be taken 21-22.4 and a decision on the
> continuation of the strike will be taken accordingly. A poll in
> Ramallah area showed 1070 teachers (89%) supported the  continuation
> of the strike while 137 (11%) called to end the strike.
> The protest activity and partial strikes of the 15,000  teachers of
> the Governmental schools that are under PA responsibility  started in
> mid January 97. Its main focus was the meager wages of the teachers
> (250$-450$) and the continuous neglect of the PA to its promises to
> raise wages.It is important to note that the HCCT was formed in the
> midst of the strike movement after the local Branch of the Palestinian
> Teachers Union sided with the PA against the teachers.
> HCCT's statement emphasized in this respect that "the role  played by
> the Inside (West Bank) Branch of the Teachers Union and its  disregard
> to the teachers demands. HCCT emphasizes at the same time its
> commitment to the General Palestinian Teachers Union inside and
> outside the homeland and called for the building of a true trade union
> of teachers in the framework of the GPTU in the Government schools.
> Workers Advice Center (WAC) that works inside Israel in defense of the
> rights of Arab workers supports fully the teachers struggle under the
> leadership of the HCCT and calls upon the PA to release immediately
> the detained trade unionists and enter negotiations with HCCT.
> Protest messages are urgently needed. Send your protest to: Mr. Yasser
> Arafat PA President Fax: 972-7-822365-6 / Mr  Yasser Amru Education
> Minister or Mr. Naim Abu ElHumus Deputy Minister  Fax: 972-2-9985559
> Spokesperson for the HCCT - Mr. Taha Nassar tel 972-2-9925277 (H) 972-
> 2-9929938 (W)
> Copies of protest massages and more information : WAC (addresses
> above)
> -------------------------------------
> Date: 22/04/97
> Time: 10:53:16 P.M.
> This message was sent by Chameleon
> -------------------------------------
> ---- End of Included message ----

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