Stop This Brutality in Our Name

The Daily Mirror (London)
            January 21, 2002


            Stop This Britality in Our Name
            THIS is what is being done in the name of humanity, 
            civilisation and the British people.

            These prisoners are trapped in open cages, manacled hand and foot, 
            brutalised, tortured and humiliated.
            We are assured they are cruel, evil men, though not one has been 
            charged, let alone convicted, of any offence.

            Yet that does not justify the barbaric treatment they are receiving 
            from US forces. Barbarism which is backed by our Government.
            Tony Blair says he is standing shoulder to shoulder with President 
            Bush. Not on our behalf, he isn't.

            Mr Bush is close to achieving the impossible - losing the sympathy 
            of the civilised world for what happened in New York and Washington 
            on September 11.

            Today he celebrates a year in office. He came to the presidency 
            after a squalid vote-fix, yet in the aftermath of the 
            destruction of the World Trade Center, he achieved 
            enormous popularity among the American people.
            The treatment of the prisoners in Cuba is no more than a sick 
            attempt to appeal to the worst red-neck (sic) prejudices.
            The pictures showing how these men are being abused were actually 
            taken by an official US photographer.

            The President and his head-banging associates are proud of them, 
            proud of the cruelty inflicted in their name, proud of 
            the vengeance they are taking.

            What the American President does is his business. But what 
            our Prime Minister does is ours.

            Tony Blair has played a unique role in the war on terrorism. He 
            persuaded Mr Bush to calm down in the days immediately after 
            September 11.

            He has done more to forge and hold together the great alliance of 
            nations which is dedicated to ridding the world of terrorism.
            Today he should be playing another leading role. He should be 
            telling George W. Bush that the treatment of the prisoners in Cuba 
            is not acceptable.

            If Mr Blair thinks it is, he should have a word with his wife, 
            Cherie. She is a leading human-rights lawyer.

            His Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, said last week that 
            the prisoners should be treated humanely. They clearly are 
            not. Once again, Mr Straw has failed to make the slightest 

            Even if these men had been found guilty, they should not be treated 
            like this. It is not doing anything to help the war on terrorism. 
            These pictures will do the opposite - inflame the belief among some 
            young Muslims that America is their enemy.

            Anyway, who are these prisoners? It is said that some may 
            not belong to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda at all, but were 
            members of the Taliban.

            That was a horrific regime and the Afghani people are delighted to 
            be rid of it. But it achieved power with the help of the United 
            States and the UK.

            Since September 11, America has walked a fine line between fighting 
            for humanity and lusting after revenge. The treatment of these 
            prisoners shows how far the balance has tilted the wrong way.

            If Mr Bush insists on following this path, the rest of the world 
            should leave him in no doubt that he walks it alone. And Tony Blair 
            should be leading the protest.

            What is happening at Guantanamo is a disgrace. It must not be done 
            in our name, Mr Blair.

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