here's a Brit perspective on what's going on in the US. 

To complain is to be unAmerican
The president wants to make the US safer for the Republican party

Matthew Engel

Wednesday January 23, 2002
The Guardian [U.K.] 

My fellow non-Americans (and also any Americans who might happen to be
listening)... That start in itself makes this state-of-the-union column more
inclusive than President Bush's own state of the union address will be when
he stands in front of the massed ranks of Congress next Tuesday to make his
most important speech since the post-September 11 epic.

He will be addressing the American people. Anyone else who happens to be
listening will be an eavesdropper. To a large extent, that's how it always
is in this country, most especially in an even-numbered year, whether or not
the election directly involves the president himself. And it's particularly
true with this president. The past few months have changed things, but not
in the way outsiders like to think. The world has not become more
interdependent. Instead, as seen from the Oval Office, it has become divided
into three: the United States; countries willing to do the US's bidding; and
nuisances/enemies. It's not a good idea to be a nuisance/enemy.

But the essential fact is that the union - as presidents like to say on
these occasions - is strong. Very strong. September 11 has bound the country
together in a remarkable fashion that has confounded sceptics (including
this one) and surprised even the administration. The transport secretary,
Norman Mineta, was able to say last week that "patience is the new
patriotism" apropos the continuing chaos at the airports; and no one howled
him down.

Airport check-ins are like the old Soviet bread queues, but without the
shared black humour. Complaining is considered unAmerican, even though the
security procedures are ludicrous, with solemn searches of elderly ladies'
flat heels and kids' baseball caps - while luggage, despite a tightening of
the law last week, can still be loaded on to planes with nothing to stop
them having enough explosive to blow up Rhode Island. It's not a political
issue here, just as the treatment of the detainees in Guantanamo - which so
troubles the bleeding-heart pinkos of the Mail on Sunday - is not an issue.
If they weren't bad guys, they wouldn't be there. End of subject.

There are fewer flags around than there were a couple of months back, but
the post-September spirit has not diminished. Americans want to do their
bit, but aren't sure how to. So it comes out mainly as an acceptance of
their rulers' good intentions and competence. Sure, there is a hardcore who
share the widespread European view that the president is a dangerous chump
incapable of simultaneously chewing a pretzel and watching TV. In that
sense, the analogy with the Reagan administration is a close one, because,
now as then, it is the view of a small minority.

And, truly, a year has gone by and the administration has not - by its own
lights - cocked up much, except for losing control of the Senate. It has
resisted the temptation to invade half the developing world. So far, it has
barely been singed by the flames of Enron, even though the words Bush and
Cheney are carved into the burning logs. There is even some tentative
polling evidence (cf Britain in 1992) that economic troubles might make
voters more inclined to huddle closer to the party of the right.

You hear justification for the public's support in strange little ways. For
instance, two separate state department officials - both liberals - have
recently told me that staff morale is higher than for at least a decade.
Why? Because both Clinton's secretaries of state, Warren Christopher and
Madeleine Albright, were useless managers incapable of relating to (or
making proper use of) the ordinary Joes at the desks, whereas Colin Powell
knows how the thoughtful word or gesture can make all the difference to the

The administration's good intentions are not that obvious to me.
Bipartisanship is the word they plan to use to screw the opposition. Karl
Rove, Bush's political Svengali, has told the party that security will be a
Republican issue in this year's mid-term elections. And he is probably the
orchestrator of the current demonisation campaign against Senator Tom
Daschle, their most dangerous opponent. My theory is that if Al Gore had
been president on September 11, there would have been no bipartisanship at
all. The Democrats would have been in their ninth year in the White House;
and the right would have blamed Clinton and Gore for leaving the country
defenceless. We might now be in the middle of impeachment hearings.

Whatever high-flown rhetoric comes from the president next week, the reality
is clear-cut. It's a successful administration, so far. The White House is
not concerned with making the world safer, it wants to make America safer.
And it wants to make the country safer for the Republican party. That's
politics, by the way.


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