Ulhas Joglekar wrote:

>BTW, the binary image of the world as consisting of "the Core" and "the
>periphery" is a myth.
Yeah, but I think it'll be coming back pretty soon, along with 
bell-bottom jeans and peace medallions. Probably has something to do 
with the mess that Argentina's in. Interesting to consider that the UN 
rated Argentina the 34th highest country in the world in terms of HDI in 
2001, with a per capita GDP of $12,277. India, by contrast, was 115th 
with a per capita GDP of $2,248. If it was so easy for Argentina, with 
all its superficially impressive statistics and "growth", to plummet 
into hell, what makes Ulhas think that India will escape this fate? I 
don't think that claims approvers working for Met Life in Bombay will 
open the doors into G-7 status in this millennium.


Louis Proyect

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