Sabri Oncu wrote:

I don't know what troll means but I happen to have some ideas
about right wingers. I hold that a necessary, but not sufficient,
condition for being a leftist is the recognition that the US is
an imperialist state screwing most of the rest of the world.
Don't forget the U.S.'s junior partners, like Canada, the EU, and Japan, who sometimes act as if they're above the imperial screwing even as they benefit from it.

But - and maybe this is just a definitional problem - lots of leftists are indifferent to or quiet about imperial screwing, especially since both the welfare state or the planning environment are conceived in national terms. Left parties and unions around the world have often been quite anti-immigrant, to protect wage levels and the welfare state. So, like it or not, Brad is certainly within a social democratic tradition, though at the righter end.


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