----- Original Message -----
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ian, Ian, Ian! you're getting too close to reality! the efforts by
> individual parts of the military-industrial complex (or the whole
> to gain advantage for themselves is part of the reality of imperialism.
> not the same as the self-perception and self-justification of
> that I described.
> Jim


Right, except that I think they're no longer worried about the fables of
"international public goods" and the like which were previously seen as
constituting the vocabulary of self-description and self-justification
which served their goals. That's the difference between the Neoliberals
and the Realists in IR discourse. The whole recent discussion emanating
from the Beltway regarding imperialism is, to my mind, Realism's [and the
Realists] coming to full self-consciousness regarding the terms of their
self-description/self-justification. "Ok, we're imperialists, we might as
well get good at it" and "what are you going to do about it, beat us up"
type rhetoric is symptomatic of this self-consciousness. They see
themselves as so powerful now they don't *care* whether they are seen as
imperialists. Hobbes.


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