On 4/12/2002 11:53 AM, "Steve Diamond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The remarkable thing is how exactly this mirrors the approach of the U.S.
> Government when it chooses facts to fits its politics - as it so shamefully
> did in the case of Rwanda.  (By the way I can find nothing that suggests
> that Chomsky ever stated that he was wrong in 1977.)   The failure of the
> left to establish a credible independent foreign policy opposed to the
> politics of both the U.S. government and those of regimes like Hussein's,
> Castro's, Lee Kuan Yew's, and Kim il Jung's is a tragedy marked by the swing
> of erstwhile colleagues such as Christopher Hitchens to an open alliance
> with the U.S. government.

What madness! This is utter falsification: it is either lazy or irresponsible. 
Who in the left supports Hussein (!), Lee Kuan Yew (?!?) and Kim il Jung, let 
alone their foreign policies? Maybe the Stalinists that Chomsky has 
consistently denounced since the very first thing he ever published, an article 
about the spanish civil war back in 1936. 

As I understand it, since Chomsky's central point has been, since 1977, that 
the US press treates 'approved' genocides with the full aparatus of shock and 
horror whilst eliding genocides not endorsed by the Dept. of State, he has 
absolutely nothing to retract. He has been right all along - whatever the facts 
may have been in Cambodia. 


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