--- Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What is important, however, is that the question of
> undocumented
> immigrants, unlike that of civil rights, i.e., de
> jure equality, for
> Blacks, women, homosexuals, the disabled, and so on,
> cannot be solved
> within the existing legal framework of a capitalist
> state, for a
> national state has the right to select and reject
> newcomers.  So, this
> will be an enduring issue, which will not go away,
> as long as a large
> economic inequality between the USA and Mexico (and
> other countries in
> the global South) remains.

There are also economic inequalities between the
Western European nation-states and Poland, but Poland
will become part of the Schengen zone in 2007.  Over
and against the wishes of racist mobs in Eastern
Germany, Polish workers will have the ability to
reside in Western Europe without special visas or
residence permits, and work there as well.  Oskar
Lafontaine's nightmare, but a real victory for human

Is such a state of affairs inconceivable in the NAFTA
countries?  The Republican right has to appease their
racist core constituency, but I could easily imagine
the "enlightened" Warren Buffett/George Soros wing of
capital recognizing that if NAFTA is to be anything
substantial, some sort of Schengen-like agreement will
be necessary.

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