(apologies if this shows up twice; the Perl lists seem to *really* hate
me, even when sending from legitimate places)
On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 02:30:24 EDT, Simon Wistow scribbled these
curious markings:
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 07:40:04PM -0500, Karen Cravens said:
> > So, uh, anyway.  Where were we?  Oh yeah.  How 'bout that Email::Store? 
> > (Email::Archive?)
> There are a bunch of lessons that I learnt from working on Email::Store 
> (I wasn't the original author) that I wanted to correct with a putative 
> rewrite that I never got round to.
> 1) The package based design
> This was partly fallout of being based on Class::DBI but I diskliked 
> everything being based on Package variables so
>   use Email::Store 'dbi:mysql:mailstore';     
>   Email::Store->setup; # Do this once
>   Email::Store::Mail->store( $rfc822 );
>   Email::Store::Mail->retrieve( $msgid );
> what I would have preferred was
>   my $store = Email::Store->new(%opts);
>   my $mess  = $store->message($id);
>   my $top   = $mess->thread->top;
> which would have made 
>   $store2->add($mess);
> possible.
> 2) No pluggable backend
> Email::Store was tied closely to Class::DBI which was best of breed at 
> the time. It would have been nice if it could have pluggable backends so 
> that you could have used whatever storage engine you wanted - 
> Class::DBI, DBIx::Class, Data::ObjectDriver even IMAP or a maildir.
> To be fair, I'm not exactly sure how this would work - some sort of 
> declarative schema like Jifty::DBI maybe.
> 3) Always keep a pristine copy of the message around
> Err, that's pretty much it. It may mean that you bloat you index size 
> but I think it's worth it in the long run. It means you can install 
> plugins (if yours is going to be plugin based) or upgrade the system and 
> add new functionality that you knno is going to work and you never have to 
> reindex your dataset.
> 4) That said, convert everything to UTF-8
> Apart from the pristine copy (which should be outputted in ASCII) try 
> and do everything in UTF8. It just makes things easier.
> 5) Watch your timezones.
> Another tricky problem that it's always best to be thinking of from the 
> start rather than trying to retrofit.
> 6) Think of conversations rather than emails
> It might be worth architecting it as a series of conversations rather 
> than being email specific. That way later you could add in UseNet for a 
> Deja News style affair (ok so UseNet is very much like email but there 
> are differences) and maybe even more exotic things like blog posts 
> (which let's face it, with comments, merely an email thread), IM 
> conversations or SMS.

All excellent points that I'm hoping can be addressed for
Email::Archive. You've given me a great deal of food for thought,
Simon. I especially  appreciate the comments on breaking from CDBI's
interface style. May I have your permission to (with full attribution,
of course) reproduce this as part of an Email::Archive design document
in the SVN repo?

Best regards,
Christopher Nehren

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