On Dec 19, 2007, at 3:36 AM, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

Did anything happen with rewriting Email::Store and/or Saddlebags?

My last "write a mailing list manager" was an attempt at porting the parts of ezmlm I don't like to Perl, but I couldn't find a good place between "stick with how it works" and "redo everything" to make it nice to work with. (Like all half-assed MLMs, it does run a few lists, of course).

You know, I could really use some help with Dada Mail - the last time this thread was active, my message I sent telling people about it was never posted.

Anyways, the next alpha release of Dada Mail is looking pretty killer. If anyone is interested in helping with development, let me know what your pet project may be.

Dada Mail is on its 8th year of development and is quite mature. It's userbase is in the tens of thousands. It's not a Mailman replacement (nor is it trying to be), but it does support discussion lists, archiving and can be installed by anyone who can tackle something like phpBB. It's not the tool for everything, but it's a good tool for lots of things.

One of the projects I'd really love help on is getting a proper, make, make test, make install distribution and having it hosted on CPAN. Right now, I've just been working on the test suite, which has about 5,000 tests already.

I'm personally not a comp sci guy - I graduated with an art degree, but I've managed to do quite a heap of work already. A lot of the code isn't up to the pep spec, but a lot of the code was written before pep's recommended CPAN modules existed. Another project may be to get it working with those modules - for example, replacing the MIME-Tools stuff with other things. One of the main goals of Dada Mail is to have it installed without needing any XS perl modules, so people who do not have CPAN (or don't know how to use) or a compiler can install it.

Anyways, the homepage for it is here:


There's a discussion list about it here:




And the CVS:


Development is getting pretty lonely, esp. since the codebase is getting so large - it's getting hard for me to be the only person hacking away at it.

Anyways, just throwing that out there. I don't mean to take over the thread, but if anyone has any questions about the project, I'll be happy to answer them personally,


Justin Simoni

http://justinsimoni.com :: Art Portfolio
http://skazat.com         :: Sketchbook

On Dec 19, 2007, at 3:36 AM, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:

Christopher Nehren wrote:
I've been working on cobbling together a modern mailing list manager
written in Perl (Saddlebags), because I find it absolutely
unacceptable that things like the dbic list are running on mailman. As
a part of this, the subject of storing emails in databases came up.
Obviously, we turned to Email::Store.

Did anything happen with rewriting Email::Store and/or Saddlebags?

My last "write a mailing list manager" was an attempt at porting the parts of ezmlm I don't like to Perl, but I couldn't find a good place between "stick with how it works" and "redo everything" to make it nice to work with. (Like all half-assed MLMs, it does run a few lists, of course).

- ask

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