As Cox, Todd (NIH/NCI) once put it so eloquently:

> I have been working for sometime on putting a web page together that users
> can go to change their passwords. We have two directories, NDS and AD, and
> the NDS part works great. I have read just about every post I can find but
> nothing is helping at this point. The pseudo code is as follows:

There's a couple things going on here...

> $res = $ldap->bind($user,password => $oldPwd, version => 3 );         # use
> for changes/edits

Note that to change passwords in AD, you *MUST* use LDAPS, not LDAP.

>                     $r1 = $ldap->modify($user,changes => [ delete =>
> [unicodePwd => $adOldPass],
>                                                                        add
> =>   [unicodePwd => $adNewPass]

You left out the code that transforms the password into "unicode"; the 
code I use to do it looks like this:

  my $opw = $entry->get_value('unicodePwd');
  if (defined $opw) {
    my $upw = pack "v*", unpack "C*", qq("$opw");
    &change_changes($entry, 'replace', 'unicodePwd', $upw);

Note that it has to be in double quotes as well.

I don't think you're allowed to "delete" then "add"; I think you have
to "replace".

%%  Christopher A. Bongaarts  %%  [EMAIL PROTECTED]       %%
%%  Internet Services         %%  %%
%%  University of Minnesota   %%  +1 (612) 625-1809    %%

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